Battle of Lake Erie

From Warlike


battle in the War of 1812


battleWar of 1812CanadaUnited States of America

Battle erie.jpg

Location: 41.662222, -82.825, ///daffodils.immigration.warblers, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Battle erieBattle erie
Battle of Lake Erie by MullerBattle of Lake Erie by Muller
Battle of Lake Erie -- Commodore Perry`s victory - Ballou`s Pictorial 1856Battle of Lake Erie -- Commodore Perry's victory - Ballou's Pictorial 1856
Battle on Lake Erie by Hugh ReinagleBattle on Lake Erie by Hugh Reinagle
Belmont Cannons from Battle of Lake Erie at Belmont Lake State ParkBelmont Cannons from Battle of Lake Erie at Belmont Lake State Park
Benedict - Willow Tree. Planted by Com. Perry and other survivors of the battle of Lake Erie, to mark the buria... - Google Art ProjectBenedict - Willow Tree. Planted by Com. Perry and other survivors of the battle of Lake Erie, to mark the buria... - Google Art Project
Commodore Perry at the battle of Lake Erie - J.R. Chapin ; F.F. Walker. LCCN2012645271Commodore Perry at the battle of Lake Erie - J.R. Chapin ; F.F. Walker. LCCN2012645271
Commodore Perry at the battle of Lake Erie. Commodore Perry at the battle of Lake Erie. "Ready! All ready your honor" - J.R. Chapin ; W. Ridgway. LCCN2012645270
History of the late war between the United States and Great Britain- (1836) (14761501361)History of the late war between the United States and Great Britain- (1836) (14761501361)
John Bull making a new batch of ships to send to the lakes - Charles, del et sculp. LCCN2002708986John Bull making a new batch of ships to send to the lakes - Charles, del et sculp. LCCN2002708986
KIMBALL1816 Battle of ErieKIMBALL1816 Battle of Erie
KIMBALL1816 Battle of Erie, 2d viewKIMBALL1816 Battle of Erie, 2d view
Perry`s victory on Lake Erie, Sept. 10th 1813 - drawn by J.J. Barralet ; engraved by B. Tanner. LCCN2006677670Perry's victory on Lake Erie, Sept. 10th 1813 - drawn by J.J. Barralet ; engraved by B. Tanner. LCCN2006677670
Perry`s victory on Lake Erie- fought Septr. 10th 1813 LCCN2001700578Perry's victory on Lake Erie- fought Septr. 10th 1813 LCCN2001700578
This representation of the battle on Lake Erie is respectfully inscribed to Commodore Perry, his officers and gallant crews, by their humble servant James Webster - drawn by Sully and LCCN2012645262This representation of the battle on Lake Erie is respectfully inscribed to Commodore Perry, his officers and gallant crews, by their humble servant James Webster - drawn by Sully and LCCN2012645262
This representation of the battle on Lake Erie is respectfully inscribed to Commodore Perry, his officers and gallant crews, by their humble servant James Webster - second view - drawn by LCCN2012645263This representation of the battle on Lake Erie is respectfully inscribed to Commodore Perry, his officers and gallant crews, by their humble servant James Webster - second view - drawn by LCCN2012645263
Thomas Birtch Commodore Perry Leaving the Lawrence for the Niagara at the Battle of Lake ErieThomas Birtch Commodore Perry Leaving the Lawrence for the Niagara at the Battle of Lake Erie
`Perry`s Victory on Lake Erie` by Thomas Birch, c. 1814'Perry's Victory on Lake Erie' by Thomas Birch, c. 1814
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflictBattle of Lake Erie1813battleWikidata
conflictBattle of Pelee Island1838battleWikidata
conflictBattle of Point Pelee1763conflict, battleWikidata
documentPerry's victory on Lake Erie (IA perrysvictoryonl00eato)Wikimedia
document"Lest%20we%20forget."%20Oliver%20Hazard%20Perry,%20the%20war%20of%201812,%20the%20battle%20of%20Lake%20Erie.%20The%20centennial%20celebration%20(IA%20lestweforgetoliv01ward).pdf Lest we forget. Oliver Hazard Perry, the war of 1812, the battle of Lake Erie. The centennial celebration (IA lestweforgetoliv01ward)Wikimedia
imageBattle erieWikimedia
imageBattle of Lake Erie by MullerWikimedia
imageBattle of Lake Erie -- Commodore Perry's victory - Ballou's Pictorial 1856Wikimedia
imageBattle on Lake Erie by Hugh Reinagle1813Wikimedia
imageBelmont Cannons from Battle of Lake Erie at Belmont Lake State ParkWikimedia
imageBenedict - Willow Tree. Planted by Com. Perry and other survivors of the battle of Lake Erie, to mark the buria... - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
imageCommodore Perry at the battle of Lake Erie - J.R. Chapin ; F.F. Walker. LCCN20126452711859Wikimedia
image"Ready!%20All%20ready%20your%20honor"%20-%20J.R.%20Chapin%20;%20W.%20Ridgway.%20LCCN2012645270.jpg Commodore Perry at the battle of Lake Erie. "Ready! All ready your honor" - J.R. Chapin ; W. Ridgway. LCCN20126452701860Wikimedia
imageHistory of the late war between the United States and Great Britain- (1836) (14761501361)1836Wikimedia
imageJohn Bull making a new batch of ships to send to the lakes - Charles, del et sculp. LCCN20027089861814Wikimedia
imageKIMBALL1816 Battle of ErieWikimedia
imageKIMBALL1816 Battle of Erie, 2d viewWikimedia
imagePerry's victory on Lake Erie, Sept. 10th 1813 - drawn by J.J. Barralet ; engraved by B. Tanner. LCCN20066776701814Wikimedia
imagePerry's victory on Lake Erie- fought Septr. 10th 1813 LCCN2001700578Wikimedia
imageThis representation of the battle on Lake Erie is respectfully inscribed to Commodore Perry, his officers and gallant crews, by their humble servant James Webster - drawn by Sully and LCCN20126452621815Wikimedia
imageThis representation of the battle on Lake Erie is respectfully inscribed to Commodore Perry, his officers and gallant crews, by their humble servant James Webster - second view - drawn by LCCN20126452631815Wikimedia
imageThomas Birtch Commodore Perry Leaving the Lawrence for the Niagara at the Battle of Lake ErieWikimedia
image'Perry's Victory on Lake Erie' by Thomas Birch, c. 1814Wikimedia