First Anglo-Afghan War

From Warlike


1838–1842 war between the British Empire and the Emirate of Afghanistan. 
Auckland's Folly

1839 — 1842 Anglo-Afghan WarswarGreat Game1842 retreat from KabulBattle of KabulBattle of GhazniBattle of JellalabadAfghanistan
The army of the Indus entering Kandahar.jpg

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Afghan chiefsAfghan chiefs
Afghan prisoners guarded by 19th Bengal Native Infantry after the Battle of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839 in the First Afghan WarAfghan prisoners guarded by 19th Bengal Native Infantry after the Battle of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839 in the First Afghan War
Army of the Indus marching into Afghanistan - picture by Lieutenant RattrayArmy of the Indus marching into Afghanistan - picture by Lieutenant Rattray
Army of the Indus passing through the Bolan PassArmy of the Indus passing through the Bolan Pass
Attack on Khelat (1)Attack on Khelat (1)
Attack on Khelat (2)Attack on Khelat (2)
Attack on the Kabul Gate at the Battle of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839 in the First Afghan WarAttack on the Kabul Gate at the Battle of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839 in the First Afghan War
Battle of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839 in the First Afghan WarBattle of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839 in the First Afghan War
Battle of Ghuznee, 23 July 1839Battle of Ghuznee, 23 July 1839
Beloochees in the Bolan Pass. Frontispiece of `Sketches in Afghaunistan` (1842) -NYPLBeloochees in the Bolan Pass. Frontispiece of 'Sketches in Afghaunistan' (1842) -NYPL
City of KandaharCity of Kandahar
Dost Mohammed and his familyDost Mohammed and his family
Lady Elizabeth ButlerLady Elizabeth Butler
Lithograph of British troops storming the gates of the fortress during the battle of Ghazni on 23 July 1839Lithograph of British troops storming the gates of the fortress during the battle of Ghazni on 23 July 1839
Mir Alam of Kohistan region in AfghanistanMir Alam of Kohistan region in Afghanistan
Mohammad Akram Khan, son of Dost Mohammad Khan, the ruler of Afghanistan.Mohammad Akram Khan, son of Dost Mohammad Khan, the ruler of Afghanistan.
Plan of Ghuznee by Lieutenant Thomas Gaisford Bombay ArtilleryPlan of Ghuznee by Lieutenant Thomas Gaisford Bombay Artillery
The Approach to the Fortress of Kwettah, by James Atkinson - British LibraryThe Approach to the Fortress of Kwettah, by James Atkinson - British Library
The approach to the fortress of Kwettah - NAM 1016306The approach to the fortress of Kwettah - NAM 1016306
The town of Roree, and the Fortress of Bukker on the Indus, by James Atkinson - British LibraryThe town of Roree, and the Fortress of Bukker on the Indus, by James Atkinson - British Library
The troops emerging from the narrow part of the defile, James AtkinsonThe troops emerging from the narrow part of the defile, James Atkinson
Town of Ghuznee - picture by Lieutenant Thomas WingateTown of Ghuznee - picture by Lieutenant Thomas Wingate
Willoughby CottonWilloughby Cotton
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1@Wikidata
conflict18421842 retreat from KabulbattleWikidata
conflict1839Battle of GhaznibattleWikidata
conflict1841Battle of JellalabadsiegeWikidata
conflict1842Battle of KabulbattleWikidata
war1996Afghan Civil Warcivil war, Afghan ConflictWikidata
war1978Afghan Conflictcivil war, Cold War, War on TerrorWikidata
war1557Mughal–Persian Warsseries of warsWikidata
imageAfghan chiefsWikimedia
imageAfghan prisoners guarded by 19th Bengal Native Infantry after the Battle of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839 in the First Afghan WarWikimedia
imageArmy of the Indus marching into Afghanistan - picture by Lieutenant RattrayWikimedia
imageArmy of the Indus passing through the Bolan PassWikimedia
imageAttack on Khelat (1)Wikimedia
imageAttack on Khelat (2)Wikimedia
imageAttack on the Kabul Gate at the Battle of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839 in the First Afghan WarWikimedia
imageBattle of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839 in the First Afghan WarWikimedia
imageBattle of Ghuznee, 23 July 1839Wikimedia
imageBeloochees in the Bolan Pass. Frontispiece of 'Sketches in Afghaunistan' (1842) -NYPLWikimedia
imageCity of KandaharWikimedia
imageDost Mohammed and his familyWikimedia
imageLady Elizabeth ButlerWikimedia
image1839Lithograph of British troops storming the gates of the fortress during the battle of Ghazni on 23 July 1839Wikimedia
imageMir Alam of Kohistan region in AfghanistanWikimedia
imageMohammad Akram Khan, son of Dost Mohammad Khan, the ruler of Afghanistan.Wikimedia
imagePlan of Ghuznee by Lieutenant Thomas Gaisford Bombay ArtilleryWikimedia
imageThe Approach to the Fortress of Kwettah, by James Atkinson - British LibraryWikimedia
imageThe approach to the fortress of Kwettah - NAM 1016306Wikimedia
imageThe town of Roree, and the Fortress of Bukker on the Indus, by James Atkinson - British LibraryWikimedia
imageThe troops emerging from the narrow part of the defile, James AtkinsonWikimedia
imageTown of Ghuznee - picture by Lieutenant Thomas WingateWikimedia
imageWilloughby CottonWikimedia
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