Erzherzog Karl-class battleship

From Warlike


1903 class of Austro-Hungarian battleships. 

Austro-Hungarian BattleshipsAustro-Hungarian Battleships
Bruner-Dvořák - paluba lodi třídy Erzherzog Karl (1908)Bruner-Dvořák - paluba lodi třídy Erzherzog Karl (1908)
Erzherzog Ferd Max (Austria) ship, 12-10-12 (LOC)Erzherzog Ferd Max (Austria) ship, 12-10-12 (LOC)
Erzherzog Karl v A. Kircher 1Erzherzog Karl v A. Kircher 1
Erzherzog Karl, Erzherzog Friedrich i Erzherzog Ferdinand Max al port de Barcelona - 1908Erzherzog Karl, Erzherzog Friedrich i Erzherzog Ferdinand Max al port de Barcelona - 1908
Navy - Naval Operations - Surrender of Austrian Fleet - First photograph illustrating the surrender of the Austrian warships. The Austrian battleship Navy - Naval Operations - Surrender of Austrian Fleet - First photograph illustrating the surrender of the Austrian warships. The Austrian battleship "Erzherzog Friedrich Karl," the light cruiser "Novara" at Cattaro, after being seized by the Jugo-Slavs
Navy - Naval Operations - Surrender of Austrian Fleet - The surrender of the Austrian warships. The battleships Navy - Naval Operations - Surrender of Austrian Fleet - The surrender of the Austrian warships. The battleships "Erzherzog Freidrich Max" at Cattaro, after being seized by the Jugo-Slavs
SMS Erzherzog Karl, July 29, 1914, Austrian battleship (31233845262)SMS Erzherzog Karl, July 29, 1914, Austrian battleship (31233845262)
Uboat u35 in PolaUboat u35 in Pola
linkDreadnought Project entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselSMS Erzherzog Ferdinand Maxironclad warship, Austro-Hungarian NavyWikidata
vesselSMS Erzherzog Friedrichbattleship, Austro-Hungarian NavyWikidata
vesselSMS Erzherzog Karlironclad warship, Austro-Hungarian NavyWikidata
imageAustro-Hungarian BattleshipsWikimedia
image1908Bruner-Dvořák - paluba lodi třídy Erzherzog Karl (1908)Wikimedia
image1912Erzherzog Ferd Max (Austria) ship, 12-10-12 (LOC)Wikimedia
image1910Erzherzog Karl v A. Kircher 1Wikimedia
imageErzherzog Karl, Erzherzog Friedrich i Erzherzog Ferdinand Max al port de Barcelona - 1908Wikimedia
image"Erzherzog%20Friedrich%20Karl,"%20the%20light%20cruiser%20"Novara"%20at%20Catt(...)%20-%20NARA%20-%2045511648.jpg Navy - Naval Operations - Surrender of Austrian Fleet - First photograph illustrating the surrender of the Austrian warships. The Austrian battleship "Erzherzog Friedrich Karl," the light cruiser "Novara" at Cattaro, after being seized by the Jugo-SlavsWikimedia
image"Erzherzog%20Freidrich%20Max"%20at%20Cattaro,%20after%20being%20seized%20by%20the%20Jugo-Slavs%20-%20NARA%20-%2045511654.jpg Navy - Naval Operations - Surrender of Austrian Fleet - The surrender of the Austrian warships. The battleships "Erzherzog Freidrich Max" at Cattaro, after being seized by the Jugo-SlavsWikimedia
image2016SMS ERCHERZOG FERDINAND MAX csatahajó modelljeWikimedia
image2016SMS Erzherzog Karl, July 29, 1914, Austrian battleship (31233845262)Wikimedia
image2013Uboat u35 in PolaWikimedia
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