Battle of Kircholm

From Warlike


1605 major battle of the Polish–Swedish War. 

1605 battleLatviaPolish–Swedish War of 1600–11
Kirholm 1605 I.JPG, Battle of Kircholm 1605, choragiew of Jan Gniewosz assault.PNG, Jan Karol Chodkiewicz in battle of Kircholm 1605.PNG, January Sucholdovski A kircholmi csata (1858).jpg

Location: 56.848611111, 24.348055555, KML, Other maps

A Backplate of a Lithuanian Winged Hussar, Lithuania, 17-18th centuryA Backplate of a Lithuanian Winged Hussar, Lithuania, 17-18th century
A Breastplate of a Lithuanian Winged Hussar, Lithuania, 17-18th centuryA Breastplate of a Lithuanian Winged Hussar, Lithuania, 17-18th century
A Breastplate of a Lithuanian Winged Hussar, Lithuania, 17-18th centuryA Breastplate of a Lithuanian Winged Hussar, Lithuania, 17-18th century
A Breastplate of a Lithuanian Winged Hussar, Lithuania, 17-18th centuryA Breastplate of a Lithuanian Winged Hussar, Lithuania, 17-18th century
Battle of Kircholm 1605, choragiew of Jan Gniewosz assault.PNGBattle of Kircholm 1605, choragiew of Jan Gniewosz assault.PNG
Battle of Kircholm (1605) by Peter SnayersBattle of Kircholm (1605) by Peter Snayers
Battle of Kirhholm Stone (other memorial) in Salaspils, LatviaBattle of Kirhholm Stone (other memorial) in Salaspils, Latvia
Battle of Salaspilis/Kircholm in 1605.Battle of Salaspilis/Kircholm in 1605.
Bieł-čyrvona-bieły ściah. Бел-чырвона-белы сьцяг (1619)Bieł-čyrvona-bieły ściah. Бел-чырвона-белы сьцяг (1619)
January Sucholdovski A kircholmi csata (1858)January Sucholdovski A kircholmi csata (1858)
Jan Karol Chodkiewicz in battle of Kircholm 1605.PNGJan Karol Chodkiewicz in battle of Kircholm 1605.PNG
Jonas Karolis Chodkevičius defeats the Swedes in the Battle of Salaspils in 1605Jonas Karolis Chodkevičius defeats the Swedes in the Battle of Salaspils in 1605
Kircholm pomnikKircholm pomnik
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