Vicksburg Campaign

From Warlike


military campaign during the American Civil War. 

1862 — 1863 United States
Vicksburg h76557k.jpg

Location: 32.35, -90.88, KML, Other maps

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1st Vicksburg Campaign 0011st Vicksburg Campaign 001
Appletons` Grant Ulysses S - Vicksburg medalAppletons' Grant Ulysses S - Vicksburg medal
Approaches to Vicksburg and Rebel defences LOC 99447421Approaches to Vicksburg and Rebel defences LOC 99447421
Bissell`s Engineer Regiment of the WestBissell's Engineer Regiment of the West
Bronze tablets (north face and south face) of Minnesota State Monument - Minnesota in the campaigns of Vicksburg, November 1862-July 1863 - (IA minnesotaincampa00minn) (page 34 crop)Bronze tablets (north face and south face) of Minnesota State Monument - Minnesota in the campaigns of Vicksburg, November 1862-July 1863 - (IA minnesotaincampa00minn) (page 34 crop)
Defeat of Wirt Adams` Confederate Cavalry by Second Wisconsin Cavalry, April 21, 1863.Defeat of Wirt Adams' Confederate Cavalry by Second Wisconsin Cavalry, April 21, 1863.
Federal entrenchments in front of Vicksburg LCCN2013649020Federal entrenchments in front of Vicksburg LCCN2013649020
Grants OperationsplanGrants Operationsplan
Grant and Pemberton - Harper`s Pictorial HistoryGrant and Pemberton - Harper's Pictorial History
Grant`s March through Louisiana and crossingGrant's March through Louisiana and crossing
Landmarks in the vicinity of Vicksburg Mississippi from a river map published in 1863Landmarks in the vicinity of Vicksburg Mississippi from a river map published in 1863
Letter from A. Walke, U. S. S. Taylor, Cairo, Illinois, to Seth Ledyard Phelps, U. S. S. Conestoga, October 31, 1861Letter from A. Walke, U. S. S. Taylor, Cairo, Illinois, to Seth Ledyard Phelps, U. S. S. Conestoga, October 31, 1861
Milliken`s Bend - Jackson;VicksburgMilliken's Bend - Jackson;Vicksburg
Night Passage of Union Boats at Vicksburg on the MississippiNight Passage of Union Boats at Vicksburg on the Mississippi
Passing of Vicksburg by Admiral Porter`s U.S. FleetPassing of Vicksburg by Admiral Porter's U.S. Fleet
Pursuit of JohnstonPursuit of Johnston
Stockade Redan Detail defenses l (german)Stockade Redan Detail defenses l (german)
Tomlinson`s map of Vicksburg, showing all the surrounding fortifications, batteries, principal plantation, etc. LOC 99447428Tomlinson's map of Vicksburg, showing all the surrounding fortifications, batteries, principal plantation, etc. LOC 99447428
Vicksburg h76557kVicksburg h76557k
View of VicksburgView of Vicksburg
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
documentMinnesota in the campaigns of Vicksburg, November 1862-July 1863 - an address delivered before the Minnesota Historical Society (IA minnesotaincampa00minn)Wikimedia
image1st Vicksburg Campaign 001Wikimedia
imageAppletons' Grant Ulysses S - Vicksburg medalWikimedia
image1863Approaches to Vicksburg and Rebel defences LOC 99447421Wikimedia
image1863Bissell's Engineer Regiment of the WestWikimedia
imageBronze tablets (north face and south face) of Minnesota State Monument - Minnesota in the campaigns of Vicksburg, November 1862-July 1863 - (IA minnesotaincampa00minn) (page 34 crop)Wikimedia
imageDefeat of Wirt Adams' Confederate Cavalry by Second Wisconsin Cavalry, April 21, 1863.Wikimedia
imageFederal entrenchments in front of Vicksburg LCCN2013649020Wikimedia
imageGrants OperationsplanWikimedia
imageGrant and Pemberton - Harper's Pictorial HistoryWikimedia
imageGrant's March through Louisiana and crossingWikimedia
image1863Landmarks in the vicinity of Vicksburg Mississippi from a river map published in 1863Wikimedia
image1861Letter from A. Walke, U. S. S. Taylor, Cairo, Illinois, to Seth Ledyard Phelps, U. S. S. Conestoga, October 31, 1861Wikimedia
imageMilliken's Bend - Jackson;VicksburgWikimedia
image1863Night Passage of Union Boats at Vicksburg on the MississippiWikimedia
image1863Passing of Vicksburg by Admiral Porter's U.S. FleetWikimedia
imagePursuit of JohnstonWikimedia
imageStockade Redan Detail defenses l (german)Wikimedia
image1863Tomlinson's map of Vicksburg, showing all the surrounding fortifications, batteries, principal plantation, etc. LOC 99447428Wikimedia
image1863Vicksburg h76557kWikimedia
imageView of VicksburgWikimedia
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