Battle of Charleroi

From Warlike


1914 battle. 
Battle of the Sambre

1914 — 1914 battleBattle of the FrontiersBelgium
Battles of Charleroi and Mons map.png

Location: 50.410861111, 4.444244444, KML, Other maps

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Aldebert CharleroiAldebert Charleroi
Battles of Mons and Charleroi, 21-23 August 1914Battles of Mons and Charleroi, 21-23 August 1914
Battle of the Sambre (Charleroi-Mons) August 1914Battle of the Sambre (Charleroi-Mons) August 1914
French pick up dead near Charleroi LCCN2014697854French pick up dead near Charleroi LCCN2014697854
German street barricade in Charleroi Belgium 1914 by Martin FrostGerman street barricade in Charleroi Belgium 1914 by Martin Frost
Wir fahren hier im Feindesland zum Wohle für das Vaterland, Charleroi 1914-1915Wir fahren hier im Feindesland zum Wohle für das Vaterland, Charleroi 1914-1915
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
war1914Western FrontEuropean Theater of World War I, war frontWikidata
image1915Aldebert CharleroiWikimedia
image2014Battles of Mons and Charleroi, 21-23 August 1914Wikimedia
image2014Battle of the Sambre (Charleroi-Mons) August 1914Wikimedia
image1914French pick up dead near Charleroi LCCN2014697854Wikimedia
image1919German street barricade in Charleroi Belgium 1914 by Martin FrostWikimedia
imageWir fahren hier im Feindesland zum Wohle für das Vaterland, Charleroi 1914-1915Wikimedia
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