Battle of Vouille

From Warlike


507 battle between the Franks commanded by Clovis and the Visigoths commanded by Alaric II. 

507 battleFranceFranco-Visigothic Wars
Battle between Clovis and the Visigoths.jpg, Clovis tue Alaric II.jpg, Image-Battle between Clovis and the VisigothsRemarde.jpg, Schlacht von Vouillé oder Campus Vocladeus.jpg

Location: 46.5833, 0.3333, KML, Other maps

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Apollinaire de ClermontApollinaire de Clermont
Battle between Clovis and the VisigothsBattle between Clovis and the Visigoths
Clovis tue Alaric IIClovis tue Alaric II
Clovis tue alaric 1304349 natoireClovis tue alaric 1304349 natoire
Clovis, roi des francsClovis, roi des francs
Edme Bouchardon, ``Visigoths Attacking Clovis I as He Kills Alaric II``, red chalk; 96 x 202 mmEdme Bouchardon, Visigoths Attacking Clovis I as He Kills Alaric II, red chalk; 96 x 202 mm
Image-Battle between Clovis and the VisigothsRemardeImage-Battle between Clovis and the VisigothsRemarde
Schlacht von Vouillé oder Campus VocladeusSchlacht von Vouillé oder Campus Vocladeus
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