Battle of Thapsus

From Warlike


battle in Caesar's Civil War. 

-45 battleCaesar's Civil WarTunisia
Battle of Thapsus.jpg

Location: 35.624444444, 11.047777777, KML, Other maps

Battle of ThapsusBattle of Thapsus
Battle of Thapsus (engraving by Matthäus Merian, cca 1625)Battle of Thapsus (engraving by Matthäus Merian, cca 1625)
Battle of Thapsus, 46 BC (Initial deployment of troops)Battle of Thapsus, 46 BC (Initial deployment of troops)
Plan de la bataille de Thapse en Afrique gagnée par Jule César contre Q. Scipion et le roy Juba l`an de Rome 707 - btv1b8495504gPlan de la bataille de Thapse en Afrique gagnée par Jule César contre Q. Scipion et le roy Juba l'an de Rome 707 - btv1b8495504g
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