
From Warlike


former Soviet early warning radar station in Latvia


1963 — 1998 closed cityghost townLatviamilitary base

Скрунда, военныи городок.jpg

Location: 56.726388888, 21.992222222, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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12 years after the locators elimination - радиолокационныи комплекс раннего обнаружения 12 years after the locators elimination - радиолокационныи комплекс раннего обнаружения "Скрунда" 12 лет спустья - panoramio
Abandoned City Skrunda 1 - panoramioAbandoned City Skrunda 1 - panoramio
Former Skrunda 2nd secondary school - panoramioFormer Skrunda 2nd secondary school - panoramio
Ghost City Skrunda 1 - House Nr 5 - panoramioGhost City Skrunda 1 - House Nr 5 - panoramio
Mailbox - panoramioMailbox - panoramio
Mailbox - panoramio - Laima Gūtmane (simka…Mailbox - panoramio - Laima Gūtmane (simka…
Old USSR armies base in Skrunda - radio-locator 1995 year- радиолокационныи комплекс раннего обнаружения Old USSR armies base in Skrunda - radio-locator 1995 year- радиолокационныи комплекс раннего обнаружения "Скрунда" - panoramio
Old USSR armies base in Skrunda - Военный городок Old USSR armies base in Skrunda - Военный городок "Скрунда" - panoramio
Old USSR armies base in Skrunda - Военный городок Old USSR armies base in Skrunda - Военный городок "Скрунда" - panoramio - Laima Gūtmane (simka…
Old USSR armies base in Skrunda- Военный городок Old USSR armies base in Skrunda- Военный городок "Скрунда" - panoramio
Road to USSR former military zone in Skrunda - panoramioRoad to USSR former military zone in Skrunda - panoramio
Shop for militar fractions - Военный городок Shop for militar fractions - Военный городок "Скрунда" - panoramio
Skrunda 1 - 2007 - panoramioSkrunda 1 - 2007 - panoramio
Skrunda 1 - Empty City - panoramioSkrunda 1 - Empty City - panoramio
Skrunda 1 - Gas Pipe-Valve - panoramioSkrunda 1 - Gas Pipe-Valve - panoramio
Skrunda 1 - House Nr 1 - panoramioSkrunda 1 - House Nr 1 - panoramio
Skrunda 1 - House Nr 4 - panoramioSkrunda 1 - House Nr 4 - panoramio
Skrunda 1 - House Nr 9 - panoramioSkrunda 1 - House Nr 9 - panoramio
Skrunda 1 - Old Kindergarten - panoramioSkrunda 1 - Old Kindergarten - panoramio
Skrunda 1 - Water Tower - panoramioSkrunda 1 - Water Tower - panoramio
Skrunda formed military base - panoramioSkrunda formed military base - panoramio
Street Of Ghost City Skrunda 1 - panoramioStreet Of Ghost City Skrunda 1 - panoramio
With Lenin...- Военный городок With Lenin...- Военный городок "Скрунда" - panoramio
Забор - panoramioЗабор - panoramio
Скрунда, военныи городокСкрунда, военныи городок
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
baseJaunmuiža Manormilitary baseWikidata
baseQ1661275air baseWikidata
baseVaiņode Air Baseair base, Latvian Air ForceWikidata
image"Скрунда"%2012%20лет%20спустья%20-%20panoramio.jpg 12 years after the locators elimination - радиолокационныи комплекс раннего обнаружения "Скрунда" 12 лет спустья - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageAbandoned City Skrunda 1 - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageFormer Skrunda 2nd secondary school - panoramio2008Wikimedia
imageGhost City Skrunda 1 - House Nr 5 - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageMailbox - panoramio2008Wikimedia
imageMailbox - panoramio - Laima Gūtmane (simka…2008Wikimedia
image"Скрунда"%20-%20panoramio.jpg Old USSR armies base in Skrunda - radio-locator 1995 year- радиолокационныи комплекс раннего обнаружения "Скрунда" - panoramio2007Wikimedia
image"Скрунда"%20-%20panoramio.jpg Old USSR armies base in Skrunda - Военный городок "Скрунда" - panoramio2007Wikimedia
image"Скрунда"%20-%20panoramio%20-%20Laima%20Gūtmane%20(simka….jpg Old USSR armies base in Skrunda - Военный городок "Скрунда" - panoramio - Laima Gūtmane (simka…2007Wikimedia
image"Скрунда"%20-%20panoramio.jpg Old USSR armies base in Skrunda- Военный городок "Скрунда" - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageRoad to USSR former military zone in Skrunda - panoramio2008Wikimedia
image"Скрунда"%20-%20panoramio.jpg Shop for militar fractions - Военный городок "Скрунда" - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageSkrunda 1 - 2007 - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageSkrunda 1 - Empty City - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageSkrunda 1 - Gas Pipe-Valve - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageSkrunda 1 - House Nr 1 - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageSkrunda 1 - House Nr 4 - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageSkrunda 1 - House Nr 9 - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageSkrunda 1 - Old Kindergarten - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageSkrunda 1 - Water Tower - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageSkrunda formed military base - panoramio2009Wikimedia
imageStreet Of Ghost City Skrunda 1 - panoramio2007Wikimedia
image"Скрунда"%20-%20panoramio.jpg With Lenin...- Военный городок "Скрунда" - panoramio2007Wikimedia
imageЗабор - panoramio2009Wikimedia
imageСкрунда, военныи городок2009Wikimedia