Aviano Air Base

From Warlike


military airfield near Aviano, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy


1911 airbaseItalian Air ForceItalyUnited States Air ForceUnited States of America

Aviano F-16.JPG

Location: 46.031888888, 12.596472222, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

AADD steers Airmen toward development 150307-F-XD389-007AADD steers Airmen toward development 150307-F-XD389-007
Balancing act, Managing education 150729-F-XD389-008Balancing act, Managing education 150729-F-XD389-008
Football coaches visit Aviano 160218-F-LS872-115Football coaches visit Aviano 160218-F-LS872-115
Frecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-061Frecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-061
Frecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-167Frecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-167
Frecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-174Frecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-174
Frecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-182Frecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-182
Hello, Goodbye, 606th ACS returns for last time 161020-F-DY094-150Hello, Goodbye, 606th ACS returns for last time 161020-F-DY094-150
Joint-service combat search and rescue training mission 140128-F-BH566-258Joint-service combat search and rescue training mission 140128-F-BH566-258
Triathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-154Triathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-154
Triathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-187Triathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-187
Triathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-229Triathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-229
Triathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-247Triathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-247
Upholding flawless standards 150408-F-FK724-190Upholding flawless standards 150408-F-FK724-190
Upholding flawless standards 150408-F-FK724-304Upholding flawless standards 150408-F-FK724-304
U.S. Airmen with the 31st Security Forces Squadron participate in a team challenge during National Police Week at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 24, 2013 130524-F-PB969-034U.S. Airmen with the 31st Security Forces Squadron participate in a team challenge during National Police Week at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 24, 2013 130524-F-PB969-034
U.S. Airmen with the 31st Surgical Operations Squadron prepare for surgery at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 23, 2013 130523-F-PB969-066U.S. Airmen with the 31st Surgical Operations Squadron prepare for surgery at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 23, 2013 130523-F-PB969-066
U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Lance Mitchell, a passenger service agent with the 724th Air Mobility Squadron, screens baggage during a security check in the passenger terminal at Aviano Air Base, Italy 130515-F-AI558-042U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Lance Mitchell, a passenger service agent with the 724th Air Mobility Squadron, screens baggage during a security check in the passenger terminal at Aviano Air Base, Italy 130515-F-AI558-042
U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Lance Mitchell, left, a passenger service agent with the 724th Air Mobility Squadron, returns bins to the front of a checkpoint in the passenger terminal at Aviano Air Base 130515-F-BH566-122U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Lance Mitchell, left, a passenger service agent with the 724th Air Mobility Squadron, returns bins to the front of a checkpoint in the passenger terminal at Aviano Air Base 130515-F-BH566-122
U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Logan McKenna, left, with the 31st Security Forces Squadron security response team, assembles weapons during a fire team challenge as part of National Police Week at Aviano Air 130524-F-PB969-109U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Logan McKenna, left, with the 31st Security Forces Squadron security response team, assembles weapons during a fire team challenge as part of National Police Week at Aviano Air 130524-F-PB969-109
U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. David Ives, a diagnostic imaging flight commander with the 31st Surgical Operations Squadron, reviews a patient`s X-ray at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 23, 2013 130523-F-PB969-016U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. David Ives, a diagnostic imaging flight commander with the 31st Surgical Operations Squadron, reviews a patient's X-ray at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 23, 2013 130523-F-PB969-016
U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Brandon Andrews, with the 31st Security Forces Squadron security response team, pushes a Humvee during a team challenge for National Police Week at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 24 130524-F-PB969-067U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Brandon Andrews, with the 31st Security Forces Squadron security response team, pushes a Humvee during a team challenge for National Police Week at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 24 130524-F-PB969-067
U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Brandon Andrews, with the 31st Security Forces Squadron security response team, pushes a Humvee during a team challenge for National Police Week at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 24 130524-F-PB969-071U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Brandon Andrews, with the 31st Security Forces Squadron security response team, pushes a Humvee during a team challenge for National Police Week at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 24 130524-F-PB969-071
U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Timothy West, foreground, a passenger service agent with the 724th Air Mobility Squadron, screens baggage during a security check in the passenger terminal at Aviano Air Base, Italy 130515-F-BH566-110U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Timothy West, foreground, a passenger service agent with the 724th Air Mobility Squadron, screens baggage during a security check in the passenger terminal at Aviano Air Base, Italy 130515-F-BH566-110
U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Luis Reyes, the 31st Surgical Operations Squadron orthopedic clinic noncommissioned officer in charge, practices applying a cast at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 23, 2013 130523-F-PB969-085U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Luis Reyes, the 31st Surgical Operations Squadron orthopedic clinic noncommissioned officer in charge, practices applying a cast at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 23, 2013 130523-F-PB969-085
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
baseCasarsa della Delizia Military Airfieldair baseWikidata
baseQ3962325military baseWikidata
fortSedegliano Fortfortification, fortWikidata
imageAADD steers Airmen toward development 150307-F-XD389-007Wikimedia
imageBalancing act, Managing education 150729-F-XD389-008Wikimedia
imageFootball coaches visit Aviano 160218-F-LS872-115Wikimedia
imageFrecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-061Wikimedia
imageFrecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-167Wikimedia
imageFrecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-174Wikimedia
imageFrecce Tricolori over Aviano 150410-F-PB969-182Wikimedia
imageHello, Goodbye, 606th ACS returns for last time 161020-F-DY094-150Wikimedia
imageJoint-service combat search and rescue training mission 140128-F-BH566-258Wikimedia
imageTriathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-154Wikimedia
imageTriathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-187Wikimedia
imageTriathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-229Wikimedia
imageTriathletes conquer 2nd annual triathlon 150530-F-LS872-247Wikimedia
imageUpholding flawless standards 150408-F-FK724-190Wikimedia
imageUpholding flawless standards 150408-F-FK724-304Wikimedia
imageU.S. Airmen with the 31st Security Forces Squadron participate in a team challenge during National Police Week at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 24, 2013 130524-F-PB969-034Wikimedia
imageU.S. Airmen with the 31st Surgical Operations Squadron prepare for surgery at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 23, 2013 130523-F-PB969-066Wikimedia
imageU.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Lance Mitchell, a passenger service agent with the 724th Air Mobility Squadron, screens baggage during a security check in the passenger terminal at Aviano Air Base, Italy 130515-F-AI558-042Wikimedia
imageU.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Lance Mitchell, left, a passenger service agent with the 724th Air Mobility Squadron, returns bins to the front of a checkpoint in the passenger terminal at Aviano Air Base 130515-F-BH566-122Wikimedia
imageU.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Logan McKenna, left, with the 31st Security Forces Squadron security response team, assembles weapons during a fire team challenge as part of National Police Week at Aviano Air 130524-F-PB969-109Wikimedia
imageU.S. Air Force Lt. Col. David Ives, a diagnostic imaging flight commander with the 31st Surgical Operations Squadron, reviews a patient's X-ray at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 23, 2013 130523-F-PB969-016Wikimedia
imageU.S. Air Force Senior Airman Brandon Andrews, with the 31st Security Forces Squadron security response team, pushes a Humvee during a team challenge for National Police Week at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 24 130524-F-PB969-067Wikimedia
imageU.S. Air Force Senior Airman Brandon Andrews, with the 31st Security Forces Squadron security response team, pushes a Humvee during a team challenge for National Police Week at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 24 130524-F-PB969-071Wikimedia
imageU.S. Air Force Senior Airman Timothy West, foreground, a passenger service agent with the 724th Air Mobility Squadron, screens baggage during a security check in the passenger terminal at Aviano Air Base, Italy 130515-F-BH566-110Wikimedia
imageU.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Luis Reyes, the 31st Surgical Operations Squadron orthopedic clinic noncommissioned officer in charge, practices applying a cast at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 23, 2013 130523-F-PB969-085Wikimedia