Aggressive-class minesweepers of US Mine Division 73 underway c1965
ROCS Yung Tzu (MSO-1307)
Super Sea Rover aboard USS Conquest (MSO-488)
Super Servant 3 returns to Bremerton with US Navy minesweepers in 1990
USS Conquest (AM-488) and USS Leader (MSO-490) under construction at J.M. Martinac Shipbuilding, Tacoma, Washington (USA), on 27 September 1954 (6933485)
USS Conquest (MSO-488) docked at San Diego, California (USA), on 16 July 1993 (6489162)
USS Conquest (MSO-488) insignia, in 1960 (NH 65387-KN)
USS Conquest (MSO-488) in port, circa in 1993
USS Conquest (MSO-488) mine detection and classification console
USS Conquest (MSO-488) mine detection sonar console
USS Conquest (MSO-488) underway
USS Conquest (MSO-488) underway, circa in 1959 (USN 1046396)
USS Force (AM-455) and USS Conquest (AM-488) fitting out at the J.M. Martinac Shipbuilding, Tacoma, Washington (USA), on 26 November 1954 (6933478)
USS Illusive (MSO-448) and USS Conquest (MSO-488) off Sitra, Bahrain, on 26 December 1987 (6429495)