USS Texas

From Warlike


Virginia-class submarine. 

{"selectable":false,"width":"100%","zoomMin":100000000000} News Photo News Photo 050409-N-0775O-001
USS Texas (SSN-775) 2006USS Texas (SSN-775) 2006
USS Texas (SSN-775) christening ceremonyUSS Texas (SSN-775) christening ceremony
US Navy 020712-N-6208N-001 USS Texas - keel layingUS Navy 020712-N-6208N-001 USS Texas - keel laying
US Navy 020712-N-6208N-002 USS Texas - keel layingUS Navy 020712-N-6208N-002 USS Texas - keel laying
US Navy 040731-N-5258M-001 The Bow of PCU Texas (SSN 775) is beautifully decorated for its christening ceremony at Northrop Grumman Newport News ShipyardUS Navy 040731-N-5258M-001 The Bow of PCU Texas (SSN 775) is beautifully decorated for its christening ceremony at Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard
US Navy 040731-N-5258M-003 First Lady Laura Bush christens PCU Texas (SSN 775) with a bottle of champagne as Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard President Tom Shievelbein stands byUS Navy 040731-N-5258M-003 First Lady Laura Bush christens PCU Texas (SSN 775) with a bottle of champagne as Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard President Tom Shievelbein stands by
US Navy 040731-N-5258M-005 The official party for the christening of PCU Texas (SSN 775) stand in front of the audience at Northrop Grumman Newport News ShipyardUS Navy 040731-N-5258M-005 The official party for the christening of PCU Texas (SSN 775) stand in front of the audience at Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard
US Navy 040731-N-5268S-001 First Lady Laura Bush christens PCU Texas (SSN 775)US Navy 040731-N-5268S-001 First Lady Laura Bush christens PCU Texas (SSN 775)
US Navy 060517-N-4014G-130 The Pre-Commissioning Unit Texas (SSN 775) sails past the Coast Guard cutter Sea Horse (WPB-87361)US Navy 060517-N-4014G-130 The Pre-Commissioning Unit Texas (SSN 775) sails past the Coast Guard cutter Sea Horse (WPB-87361)
US Navy 060517-N-4014G-318 The Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) sails into the Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyards with assistance of three tugboats after successfully completing its alpha sea trialsUS Navy 060517-N-4014G-318 The Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) sails into the Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyards with assistance of three tugboats after successfully completing its alpha sea trials
US Navy 060517-N-4014G-459 Pre-Commissioning Unit Texas Successfully Completes Alpha Sea Trials Photo approved for release by JO1 Donald P. Rule, Fleet Public Affairs Center Atlantic, (757) 444-4199 ext 352US Navy 060517-N-4014G-459 Pre-Commissioning Unit Texas Successfully Completes Alpha Sea Trials Photo approved for release by JO1 Donald P. Rule, Fleet Public Affairs Center Atlantic, (757) 444-4199 ext 352
US Navy 060517-N-7544A-138 Crew members of the Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) prepare to moor the submarine at the Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyards after successfully completing alpha sea trialsUS Navy 060517-N-7544A-138 Crew members of the Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) prepare to moor the submarine at the Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyards after successfully completing alpha sea trials
US Navy 060822-N-8655E-001 Sailors stationed aboard the Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) stand topside as she gets underway from Naval Station NorfolkUS Navy 060822-N-8655E-001 Sailors stationed aboard the Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) stand topside as she gets underway from Naval Station Norfolk
US Navy 060822-N-8655E-002 The Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) prepares to get underway from Naval Station NorfolkUS Navy 060822-N-8655E-002 The Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) prepares to get underway from Naval Station Norfolk
US Navy 060825-N-7441H-002 Sailors stand topside as the Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralUS Navy 060825-N-7441H-002 Sailors stand topside as the Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port Canaveral
US Navy 060825-N-7441H-003 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralUS Navy 060825-N-7441H-003 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port Canaveral
US Navy 060825-N-7441H-005 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralUS Navy 060825-N-7441H-005 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port Canaveral
US Navy 060825-N-7441H-006 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralUS Navy 060825-N-7441H-006 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port Canaveral
US Navy 060825-N-7441H-010 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralUS Navy 060825-N-7441H-010 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port Canaveral
US Navy 060825-N-7441H-011 Petty Officer 1st class Raymond Monk assists in a shipboard test evolution aboard the Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775)US Navy 060825-N-7441H-011 Petty Officer 1st class Raymond Monk assists in a shipboard test evolution aboard the Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775)
US Navy 060825-N-7441H-013 Petty 1st class Craig Herb, left, plots a course as Lt. David Leathers, right, looks on in the control room aboard the Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775)US Navy 060825-N-7441H-013 Petty 1st class Craig Herb, left, plots a course as Lt. David Leathers, right, looks on in the control room aboard the Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775)
US Navy 060825-N-7441H-014 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralUS Navy 060825-N-7441H-014 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port Canaveral
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incident2002keel layingWikidata
incident2006ship commissioningWikidata
incident2005ship launchingWikidata News Photo 050409-N-0775O-001Wikimedia
imageUSS Texas (SSN-775) 2006Wikimedia
image2004USS Texas (SSN-775) christening ceremonyWikimedia
image2002US Navy 020712-N-6208N-001 USS Texas - keel layingWikimedia
image2002US Navy 020712-N-6208N-002 USS Texas - keel layingWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040731-N-5258M-001 The Bow of PCU Texas (SSN 775) is beautifully decorated for its christening ceremony at Northrop Grumman Newport News ShipyardWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040731-N-5258M-003 First Lady Laura Bush christens PCU Texas (SSN 775) with a bottle of champagne as Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard President Tom Shievelbein stands byWikimedia
image2005US Navy 040731-N-5258M-005 The official party for the christening of PCU Texas (SSN 775) stand in front of the audience at Northrop Grumman Newport News ShipyardWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040731-N-5268S-001 First Lady Laura Bush christens PCU Texas (SSN 775)Wikimedia
image2006US Navy 060517-N-4014G-130 The Pre-Commissioning Unit Texas (SSN 775) sails past the Coast Guard cutter Sea Horse (WPB-87361)Wikimedia
image2006US Navy 060517-N-4014G-318 The Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) sails into the Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyards with assistance of three tugboats after successfully completing its alpha sea trialsWikimedia
imageUS Navy 060517-N-4014G-459 Pre-Commissioning Unit Texas Successfully Completes Alpha Sea Trials Photo approved for release by JO1 Donald P. Rule, Fleet Public Affairs Center Atlantic, (757) 444-4199 ext 352Wikimedia
image2005US Navy 060517-N-7544A-138 Crew members of the Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) prepare to moor the submarine at the Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyards after successfully completing alpha sea trialsWikimedia
image2006US Navy 060822-N-8655E-001 Sailors stationed aboard the Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) stand topside as she gets underway from Naval Station NorfolkWikimedia
image2006US Navy 060822-N-8655E-002 The Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) Texas (SSN 775) prepares to get underway from Naval Station NorfolkWikimedia
image2006US Navy 060825-N-7441H-002 Sailors stand topside as the Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralWikimedia
image2006US Navy 060825-N-7441H-003 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralWikimedia
image2006US Navy 060825-N-7441H-005 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralWikimedia
image2006US Navy 060825-N-7441H-006 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralWikimedia
image2006US Navy 060825-N-7441H-010 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralWikimedia
image2006US Navy 060825-N-7441H-011 Petty Officer 1st class Raymond Monk assists in a shipboard test evolution aboard the Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775)Wikimedia
image2006US Navy 060825-N-7441H-013 Petty 1st class Craig Herb, left, plots a course as Lt. David Leathers, right, looks on in the control room aboard the Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775)Wikimedia
image2006US Navy 060825-N-7441H-014 The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Texas (SSN 775) is guided into port by local tugboats near Port CanaveralWikimedia
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