Lowry War

From Warlike


Historical event in North Carolina, USA. 

1864 — 1872 war
Henry Berry Lowrie.jpg

1872 map of central Robeson County1872 map of central Robeson County
Aladon Strong WishartAladon Strong Wishart
Andrew Strong`s cabinAndrew Strong's cabin
Calvin OxendineCalvin Oxendine
Frank M. WishartFrank M. Wishart
John DialJohn Dial
Lowry Gang in the swampLowry Gang in the swamp
Moss Neck, Robeson CountyMoss Neck, Robeson County
Mrs. Steve LowryMrs. Steve Lowry
Proclamation of outlawry for Lowry BandProclamation of outlawry for Lowry Band
Swamp OutlawsSwamp Outlaws
Woodcut Moss NeckWoodcut Moss Neck
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image1872 map of central Robeson CountyWikimedia
image1926Aladon Strong WishartWikimedia
image1909Andrew Strong's cabinWikimedia
imageCalvin OxendineWikimedia
image1934Frank M. WishartWikimedia
image1926John DialWikimedia
imageLowry Gang in the swampWikimedia
imageMoss Neck, Robeson CountyWikimedia
image1909Mrs. Steve LowryWikimedia
image1869Proclamation of outlawry for Lowry BandWikimedia
image1872Swamp OutlawsWikimedia
image1872Woodcut Moss NeckWikimedia
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