Skrunda-class patrol boat

From Warlike


SWATH patrol vessels of the Latvian Navy. 

From bottom to top: P-05 Skrunda, M-315 Ugandi, M-05 Viesturs, and M-53 Skalvis.From bottom to top: P-05 Skrunda, M-315 Ugandi, M-05 Viesturs, and M-53 Skalvis.
Jelgava (P-08)Jelgava (P-08)
Latvian Independence Day military parade 449 (26170896353)Latvian Independence Day military parade 449 (26170896353)
Latvian Independence Day military parade 466 (26774625435)Latvian Independence Day military parade 466 (26774625435)
Latvian Independence Day military parade 474 (26170894963)Latvian Independence Day military parade 474 (26170894963)
Latvian Independence Day military parade 484 (26680852152)Latvian Independence Day military parade 484 (26680852152)
Latvian Navy patrol boat P-07 ViesiteLatvian Navy patrol boat P-07 Viesite
Naval ship of Latvia (32771254578)Naval ship of Latvia (32771254578)
Naval ship of Latvia (32771257108)Naval ship of Latvia (32771257108)
Naval ship of Latvia (46593501142)Naval ship of Latvia (46593501142)
P 09 RezekneP 09 Rezekne
SWATH in Riga (exterior)SWATH in Riga (exterior)
SWATH in Riga (interior)SWATH in Riga (interior)
The Tall Ships Races 2013, Rīga, Latvia - panoramio (3)The Tall Ships Races 2013, Rīga, Latvia - panoramio (3)
The Tall Ships Races 2013, Rīga, Latvia - panoramio (21)The Tall Ships Races 2013, Rīga, Latvia - panoramio (21)
Zawisza Czarny, The Tall Ships Races 2013, Rīga, Latvia - panoramioZawisza Czarny, The Tall Ships Races 2013, Rīga, Latvia - panoramio
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