Irish Civil War

From Warlike


conflict that followed the Irish War of Independence and accompanied the establishment of the Irish Free State. 

1922 — 1923 Battle of DublinBattle of KilmallockBattle of Newportcivil warGuerrilla phase of the Irish Civil WarIrelandIrish Free State offensive
Secret Destination (6233259813).jpg

Location: 53.347777777, -6.259722222, KML, Maps

20100923 memorial220100923 memorial2
Annie MacSwiney tijdens haar hongerstaking voor de Mountjoy Gevangenis in Dublin (Ierland), waar, SFA022823719Annie MacSwiney tijdens haar hongerstaking voor de Mountjoy Gevangenis in Dublin (Ierland), waar, SFA022823719
Armoured train at Inchicore WorksArmoured train at Inchicore Works
Armoured train at Inchicore Works (5736907701)Armoured train at Inchicore Works (5736907701)
Children chatting to troops passing through to an attack on Irregulars Stronghold (23910879970)Children chatting to troops passing through to an attack on Irregulars Stronghold (23910879970)
Daily Bread in the Irish Civil War (6119162365)Daily Bread in the Irish Civil War (6119162365)
De door explosieven verwoeste ingang van het Gerechtsgebouw - the Four Courts -, SFA022823711De door explosieven verwoeste ingang van het Gerechtsgebouw - the Four Courts -, SFA022823711
Free state troops capture Millmount in Drogheda during the Civil warFree state troops capture Millmount in Drogheda during the Civil war
General Michael BrennanGeneral Michael Brennan
Group of soldiers playing a game (5785899018)Group of soldiers playing a game (5785899018)
Hogan photographs of Generals with one unknown (16473744890)Hogan photographs of Generals with one unknown (16473744890)
House in Templemore in aftermath of raid by Tans - boy boarding up window and child with a small ball (22284190912)House in Templemore in aftermath of raid by Tans - boy boarding up window and child with a small ball (22284190912)
In absentia (5893198235)In absentia (5893198235)
Major General Ennis (with Thompson gun) and Comdt. McCreagh or McCrea (21840621989)Major General Ennis (with Thompson gun) and Comdt. McCreagh or McCrea (21840621989)
Michael Collins body lying in hospitalMichael Collins body lying in hospital
Oscar Traynor (cropped)Oscar Traynor (cropped)
Oscar Traynor (under the X) (7541615018)Oscar Traynor (under the X) (7541615018)
Priest giving absolution to soldiers (5886645503)Priest giving absolution to soldiers (5886645503)
Rebuilt Bridge (4768575911)Rebuilt Bridge (4768575911)
Republican prisoners captured during the attack on Passage West being marched to the Cork Gaol for detention (21427402304)Republican prisoners captured during the attack on Passage West being marched to the Cork Gaol for detention (21427402304)
The Long Fellow (10570624475)The Long Fellow (10570624475)
Twee vrachtauto`s met 90 aanhangers van Eamon (Edmund) de Valera, strijder voor Ierse, SFA002001511Twee vrachtauto's met 90 aanhangers van Eamon (Edmund) de Valera, strijder voor Ierse, SFA002001511
Образец политической рекламы времен борбы Ирландии за свою независимостьОбразец политической рекламы времен борбы Ирландии за свою независимость
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1922Battle of DublinbattleWikidata
conflict1922Battle of KilmallockbattleWikidata
conflict1922Battle of NewportbattleWikidata
conflict1922Guerrilla phase of the Irish Civil Warwar phaseWikidata
conflict1922Irish Free State offensiveconflictWikidata
image20100923 memorial2Wikimedia
image1922Annie MacSwiney tijdens haar hongerstaking voor de Mountjoy Gevangenis in Dublin (Ierland), waar, SFA022823719Wikimedia
image1922Armoured train at Inchicore WorksWikimedia
image1922Armoured train at Inchicore Works (5736907701)Wikimedia
image1922Children chatting to troops passing through to an attack on Irregulars Stronghold (23910879970)Wikimedia
image1922Daily Bread in the Irish Civil War (6119162365)Wikimedia
image1922De door explosieven verwoeste ingang van het Gerechtsgebouw - the Four Courts -, SFA022823711Wikimedia
image1922Free state troops capture Millmount in Drogheda during the Civil warWikimedia
image1922General Michael BrennanWikimedia
image1922Group of soldiers playing a game (5785899018)Wikimedia
image1922Hogan photographs of Generals with one unknown (16473744890)Wikimedia
image1921House in Templemore in aftermath of raid by Tans - boy boarding up window and child with a small ball (22284190912)Wikimedia
image1922In absentia (5893198235)Wikimedia
image1922Major General Ennis (with Thompson gun) and Comdt. McCreagh or McCrea (21840621989)Wikimedia
imageMichael Collins body lying in hospitalWikimedia
image1922Oscar Traynor (cropped)Wikimedia
image1922Oscar Traynor (under the X) (7541615018)Wikimedia
image1922Priest giving absolution to soldiers (5886645503)Wikimedia
image1915Rebuilt Bridge (4768575911)Wikimedia
image1922Republican prisoners captured during the attack on Passage West being marched to the Cork Gaol for detention (21427402304)Wikimedia
image1917The Long Fellow (10570624475)Wikimedia
imageTwee vrachtauto's met 90 aanhangers van Eamon (Edmund) de Valera, strijder voor Ierse, SFA002001511Wikimedia
imageОбразец политической рекламы времен борбы Ирландии за свою независимостьWikimedia
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