Siege of Candia

From Warlike


1648-69 battle of the Cretan War. 

1648 — 1669 battleCretan War of 1645-1669Greecesiege
Candia III.jpg

Location: 35.33333333, 25.13333333, KML, Maps

Anonymous German print giving a view of the siege of Candie in 1669 at the time of the French intervention with the Duke of Beaufort`s squadron (detail).Anonymous German print giving a view of the siege of Candie in 1669 at the time of the French intervention with the Duke of Beaufort's squadron (detail).
Arolsen Klebeband 02 331Arolsen Klebeband 02 331
Candia IIICandia III
Candia per la terza uolta atta catta dell`armi Ottomane condotte da Esem gran Visir l`anno 1667 et 1668 - Palmer Roger Earl Of Castlemaine - 1669Candia per la terza uolta atta catta dell'armi Ottomane condotte da Esem gran Visir l'anno 1667 et 1668 - Palmer Roger Earl Of Castlemaine - 1669
Candia- Rostagno, 1668Candia- Rostagno, 1668
Giorgio Corner. Giorgio Corner. "Il Regno di Candia"
Girit`in FethiGirit'in Fethi
Ibrahim Pasha (agha of the Janissaries)Ibrahim Pasha (agha of the Janissaries)
L’attaque de Sabionera, dans Das lange bestrittene Königreich Candia…, op. cit. Gravure de Mathaeus Merian (cropped)L’attaque de Sabionera, dans Das lange bestrittene Königreich Candia…, op. cit. Gravure de Mathaeus Merian (cropped)
Planche tirée du Journal de l’expédition de M. de La Feuillade pour le secours de Candie, Lyon, 1669Planche tirée du Journal de l’expédition de M. de La Feuillade pour le secours de Candie, Lyon, 1669
Siege of Candia Scheither 1672Siege of Candia Scheither 1672
Sortie of the besieged during the [[:en:Siege of Candia]]Sortie of the besieged during the en:Siege of Candia
TB MinenkampfTB Minenkampf
The city and fortifications of Candia.G. Corner (cropped)The city and fortifications of Candia.G. Corner (cropped)
(Venice) Francesco Morosini combatte contro i Turchi in Candia - Tela di dFrancesco Monti - Museo Correr
(Venice) Stipo con veduta di Candia al tempo della guerra veneto-turca - Museo Correr(Venice) Stipo con veduta di Candia al tempo della guerra veneto-turca - Museo Correr
[[:en:Luigi Leonardo Mocenigo]], though old and infirm, is carried to the defence of the walls of Candiaen:Luigi Leonardo Mocenigo, though old and infirm, is carried to the defence of the walls of Candia
Карта-схема к статье «Кандия». Военная энциклопедия Сытина (Санкт-Петербург, 1911-1915)Карта-схема к статье «Кандия». Военная энциклопедия Сытина (Санкт-Петербург, 1911-1915)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
war1538Aegan Expeditionmilitary expedition, Third Ottoman–Venetian WarWikidata
war828Cretan expeditionArab–Byzantine Wars, military expeditionWikidata
image1669Anonymous German print giving a view of the siege of Candie in 1669 at the time of the French intervention with the Duke of Beaufort's squadron (detail).Wikimedia
image1670Arolsen Klebeband 02 331Wikimedia
imageCandia IIIWikimedia
image1669Candia per la terza uolta atta catta dell'armi Ottomane condotte da Esem gran Visir l'anno 1667 et 1668 - Palmer Roger Earl Of Castlemaine - 1669Wikimedia
image1668Candia- Rostagno, 1668Wikimedia
image1625Giorgio Corner. "Il Regno di Candia"Wikimedia
imageGirit'in FethiWikimedia
image1670Ibrahim Pasha (agha of the Janissaries)Wikimedia
image1680L’attaque de Sabionera, dans Das lange bestrittene Königreich Candia…, op. cit. Gravure de Mathaeus Merian (cropped)Wikimedia
image1669Planche tirée du Journal de l’expédition de M. de La Feuillade pour le secours de Candie, Lyon, 1669Wikimedia
image1672Siege of Candia Scheither 1672Wikimedia
image1863Sortie of the besieged during the en:Siege of CandiaWikimedia
image1672TB MinenkampfWikimedia
image1625The city and fortifications of Candia.G. Corner (cropped)Wikimedia
image(Venice) Francesco Morosini combatte contro i Turchi in Candia - Tela di dFrancesco Monti - Museo CorrerWikimedia
image(Venice) Stipo con veduta di Candia al tempo della guerra veneto-turca - Museo CorrerWikimedia
image1863en:Luigi Leonardo Mocenigo, though old and infirm, is carried to the defence of the walls of CandiaWikimedia
imageКарта-схема к статье «Кандия». Военная энциклопедия Сытина (Санкт-Петербург, 1911-1915)Wikimedia
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