Derfflinger-class battlecruiser

From Warlike


1913 class of German battlecruisers. 

1913 Blohm + VossImperial German NavyKaiserliche Werft WilhelmshavenQ43287Schichau-Werkeship class3 produced, 
SMS Derfflinger.PNG

Derfflinger class battlecruiser - Jane`s Fighting Ships, 1919 - Project Gutenberg etext 24797Derfflinger class battlecruiser - Jane's Fighting Ships, 1919 - Project Gutenberg etext 24797
German torpedo boat cutting through the battle line during the First World WarGerman torpedo boat cutting through the battle line during the First World War
SMS HindeburgSMS Hindeburg
linkDreadnought Project entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselSMS Derfflingershipwreck, Imperial German Navy, battlecruiser, United KingdomWikidata
vesselSMS Hindenburgshipwreck, Imperial German Navy, battlecruiser, United KingdomWikidata
vesselSMS LützowImperial German Navy, battlecruiserWikidata
image1920Derfflinger class battlecruiser - Jane's Fighting Ships, 1919 - Project Gutenberg etext 24797Wikimedia
imageGerman torpedo boat cutting through the battle line during the First World WarWikimedia
image2019SMS HindeburgWikimedia
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