Siege of Madrid

From Warlike


1936–39 siege during Spanish Civil War. 

1936 — 1936 battleBattle of Ciudad UniversitariaFirst Battle of the Corunna RoadQ6123746Second Battle of the Corunna RoadsiegeSpainSpanish Civil WarThird Battle of the Corunna Road
See also Siege of Madrid (0932)
Parque del Oeste - Bunkers edited.jpg

Location: 40.4189, -3.69194, KML, Maps

1936 Octavilla 5º Regimiento1936 Octavilla 5º Regimiento
Behind the front Lines in Madrid - Google Art ProjectBehind the front Lines in Madrid - Google Art Project
Bombardeo del 17 de noviembre de 1936 sobre MadridBombardeo del 17 de noviembre de 1936 sobre Madrid
British Labor Leadermat, Madrid Front-Line Trenches, Madrid - Google Art ProjectBritish Labor Leadermat, Madrid Front-Line Trenches, Madrid - Google Art Project
Chow time on Madrid Front - Google Art ProjectChow time on Madrid Front - Google Art Project
De Spaanse Burgeroorlog Madrid gebombardeerd, Bestanddeelnr 916-2814De Spaanse Burgeroorlog Madrid gebombardeerd, Bestanddeelnr 916-2814
Edificio de la Diputación Provincial de Madrid 1939Edificio de la Diputación Provincial de Madrid 1939
General Miaja`s Militiamen Writing Letters - Google Art ProjectGeneral Miaja's Militiamen Writing Letters - Google Art Project
Glimpse towards Nationalist positions, Ciudad UniversitariaGlimpse towards Nationalist positions, Ciudad Universitaria
Meal behind frontlinesMeal behind frontlines
Nationalist soldiers raiding Madrid, March 1937Nationalist soldiers raiding Madrid, March 1937
Nationalist trench in the Escorial, January 1937Nationalist trench in the Escorial, January 1937
Outskirts of Madrid - Google Art ProjectOutskirts of Madrid - Google Art Project
Portada La Traca - 24 de febrer del 1937Portada La Traca - 24 de febrer del 1937
Preparing Capital for Fascist Drive - Google Art ProjectPreparing Capital for Fascist Drive - Google Art Project
Republican machine gunner, Spanish Civil WarRepublican machine gunner, Spanish Civil War
Republican troops near Moncloa palaceRepublican troops near Moncloa palace
Running to the nearest shelter - Google Art ProjectRunning to the nearest shelter - Google Art Project
frontline west of Madrid 1936frontline west of Madrid 1936
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1936Battle of Ciudad UniversitariabattleWikidata
conflict1936First Battle of the Corunna RoadbattleWikidata
conflict1936Second Battle of the Corunna RoadbattleWikidata
conflict1937Third Battle of the Corunna RoadbattleWikidata
war1437Castilian Civil War of 1437–1445civil warWikidata
war1351Castilian Civil Warcivil war, Hundred Years' WarWikidata
war1833First Carlist Warcivil war, Carlist WarsWikidata
war1872Third Carlist Warcivil war, Carlist WarsWikidata
warUsera battlefrontwar frontWikidata
image1936 Octavilla 5º RegimientoWikimedia
imageBehind the front Lines in Madrid - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
imageBombardeo del 17 de noviembre de 1936 sobre MadridWikimedia
imageBritish Labor Leadermat, Madrid Front-Line Trenches, Madrid - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
imageChow time on Madrid Front - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
image1964De Spaanse Burgeroorlog Madrid gebombardeerd, Bestanddeelnr 916-2814Wikimedia
image1939Edificio de la Diputación Provincial de Madrid 1939Wikimedia
imageGeneral Miaja's Militiamen Writing Letters - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
imageGlimpse towards Nationalist positions, Ciudad UniversitariaWikimedia
imageMeal behind frontlinesWikimedia
image1937Nationalist soldiers raiding Madrid, March 1937Wikimedia
image1937Nationalist trench in the Escorial, January 1937Wikimedia
imageOutskirts of Madrid - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
image1937Portada La Traca - 24 de febrer del 1937Wikimedia
imagePreparing Capital for Fascist Drive - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
image1938Republican machine gunner, Spanish Civil WarWikimedia
imageRepublican troops near Moncloa palaceWikimedia
imageRunning to the nearest shelter - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
imagefrontline west of Madrid 1936Wikimedia
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