McClellan Air Force Base

From Warlike


human settlement in California, United States of America


1935 airbaseUnited States Air ForceUnited States of America

McClellan Air Force Base - CA 9 May 2002.jpg

Location: 38.667777777, -121.400555555, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Aerobee 350 Sounding Rocket DSC 0595 (12851061265)Aerobee 350 Sounding Rocket DSC 0595 (12851061265)
Aerospace Museum of CaliforniaAerospace Museum of California
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., spends time with retired Col. Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson before a ceremony promoting Anderson to the rank of brigadier general (2022)Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., spends time with retired Col. Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson before a ceremony promoting Anderson to the rank of brigadier general (2022)
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ. Brown, Jr. administers the reaffirmation of the oath of office to retired Brig. Gen. Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson, during a ceremony promoting Anderson to the rank of brigadier general (2022))Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ. Brown, Jr. administers the reaffirmation of the oath of office to retired Brig. Gen. Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson, during a ceremony promoting Anderson to the rank of brigadier general (2022))
California Areospace Museum, April 2007 (2500137345)California Areospace Museum, April 2007 (2500137345)
Jean reading her way through the history of the US space program, Aerobee 350 sounding rocket DSC 0607 (12851130183)Jean reading her way through the history of the US space program, Aerobee 350 sounding rocket DSC 0607 (12851130183)
LR91-AJ-11 rocket engineLR91-AJ-11 rocket engine
LR91-AJ-11 rocket engine - Thrust chamberLR91-AJ-11 rocket engine - Thrust chamber
Retired Brig. Gen. Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson cuts a celebratory cake (2022)Retired Brig. Gen. Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson cuts a celebratory cake (2022)
Visitors inside the Exhibit Hall at the Aerospace Museum of California .Visitors inside the Exhibit Hall at the Aerospace Museum of California .
Visitors participate in STEM activities inside the Aerospace Museum`s main Exhibit Hall.Visitors participate in STEM activities inside the Aerospace Museum's main Exhibit Hall.
World War II reenactment group visiting the Aerospace Museum of California for an event in the museum`s outdoor Air Park.World War II reenactment group visiting the Aerospace Museum of California for an event in the museum's outdoor Air Park.
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
baseSacramento Army Depotmilitary baseWikidata
fortSutter's Fortfort, California state historic park, tripadvisorWikidata
museumCalifornia State Military Museummilitary museumWikidata
imageAerobee 350 Sounding Rocket DSC 0595 (12851061265)2014Wikimedia
imageAerospace Museum of California2008Wikimedia
imageAir Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., spends time with retired Col. Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson before a ceremony promoting Anderson to the rank of brigadier general (2022)Wikimedia
imageAir Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ. Brown, Jr. administers the reaffirmation of the oath of office to retired Brig. Gen. Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson, during a ceremony promoting Anderson to the rank of brigadier general (2022))Wikimedia
imageCalifornia Areospace Museum, April 2007 (2500137345)2007Wikimedia
imageJean reading her way through the history of the US space program, Aerobee 350 sounding rocket DSC 0607 (12851130183)2014Wikimedia
imageLR91-AJ-11 rocket engine2008Wikimedia
imageLR91-AJ-11 rocket engine - Thrust chamber2008Wikimedia
imageRetired Brig. Gen. Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson cuts a celebratory cake (2022)Wikimedia
imageVisitors inside the Exhibit Hall at the Aerospace Museum of California .2019Wikimedia
imageVisitors participate in STEM activities inside the Aerospace Museum's main Exhibit Hall.2019Wikimedia
imageWorld War II reenactment group visiting the Aerospace Museum of California for an event in the museum's outdoor Air Park.2019Wikimedia