Battle of Amphipolis

From Warlike


422 BCE military investment of Amphipolis by Sparta. 

-421 Archidamian WarbattleGreece
Thucydides, Maps and Plans illustrative of Wellcome L0031928.jpg

Location: 40.823681, 23.84705, KML, Maps

663 of `A History of Greece` (11025311004)663 of 'A History of Greece' (11025311004)
Plan of the battle of Amphopolis (422 BC)Plan of the battle of Amphopolis (422 BC)
Thucydides, Maps and Plans illustrative of Wellcome L0031928Thucydides, Maps and Plans illustrative of Wellcome L0031928
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image2013663 of 'A History of Greece' (11025311004)Wikimedia
image1890Plan of the battle of Amphopolis (422 BC)Wikimedia
imageThucydides, Maps and Plans illustrative of Wellcome L0031928Wikimedia
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