Battle of Pułtusk

From Warlike


1703 battle of the Great Northern War. 

1703 battleGreat Northern WarPoland
Pultusk 1703.jpg

Location: 52.7167, 21.1, KML, Maps

Battle of PultuskBattle of Pultusk
Battle of Pultusk 1703Battle of Pultusk 1703
Battle of Pultusk 1703Battle of Pultusk 1703
Crossing of the river Bug 1703Crossing of the river Bug 1703
Crossing of the river Wkra 1703Crossing of the river Wkra 1703
Map of PułtuskMap of Pułtusk
Pultusk 1703Pultusk 1703
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image2013Battle of PultuskWikimedia
imageBattle of Pultusk 1703Wikimedia
imageBattle of Pultusk 1703Wikimedia
imageCrossing of the river Bug 1703Wikimedia
imageCrossing of the river Wkra 1703Wikimedia
image1703Map of PułtuskWikimedia
imagePultusk 1703Wikimedia
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