Battle of Visby

From Warlike


1361 battle fought in the town of Visby on the island of Gotland, Sweden between the forces of Danish king Valdemar IV and Gutnish country yeomen. 
Slaget vid Visby

1361 battleDanish-Hanseatic War of 1361-1370Sweden
Fornsalen - Invasion 1361 - Schädel mit Kettenhaube 1.jpg, Valdemar Atterdag indtager Visby (9291726976).jpg

Location: 57.633719444, 18.299111111, KML, Other maps

Cranium with injuries - 260727Cranium with injuries - 260727
Danish king Valdemar Atterdag watches over his troops during a reenactment of the battle of Visby 1361.Danish king Valdemar Atterdag watches over his troops during a reenactment of the battle of Visby 1361.
Fornsalen - Invasion 1361 - Schädel mit Kettenhaube 1Fornsalen - Invasion 1361 - Schädel mit Kettenhaube 1
Fornsalen - Invasion 1361 - Schädel mit Kettenhaube 2Fornsalen - Invasion 1361 - Schädel mit Kettenhaube 2
Fornsalen - Invasion 1361 - Schädel mit PfeilspitzenFornsalen - Invasion 1361 - Schädel mit Pfeilspitzen
Korsbetningen - KMB - 16001000018195Korsbetningen - KMB - 16001000018195
Valdemar Atterdag indtager Visby (9291726976)Valdemar Atterdag indtager Visby (9291726976)
Waldemarkreuz 1Waldemarkreuz 1
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