Gaziantep Castle

From Warlike


castle in Turkey


archaeological sitecastleTurkey

AntepKale2 (cropped).jpg

Location: 37.0664, 37.3833, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

Antep kalesine bakış - panoramioAntep kalesine bakış - panoramio
A view of the restoration at Gaziantep Castle after the devastating earthquakes in 2023A view of the restoration at Gaziantep Castle after the devastating earthquakes in 2023
A view of the restoration at Gaziantep Castle after the devastating earthquakes in 2023 - 3A view of the restoration at Gaziantep Castle after the devastating earthquakes in 2023 - 3
Gaziantep Castle from Southwest, Gaziantep, TürkiyeGaziantep Castle from Southwest, Gaziantep, Türkiye
Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8280Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8280
Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8281Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8281
Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8335Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8335
Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8336Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8336
Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8337Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8337
Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8338Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8338
Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8339Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8339
Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8387Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 8387
Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2011 1646Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2011 1646
Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2011 1647Gaziantep Castle view from outside in 2011 1647
Gaziantep KaleGaziantep Kale
Gaziantep Kalesi TÜRKİYE - panoramioGaziantep Kalesi TÜRKİYE - panoramio
Gaziantep Kalesi - panoramio (1)Gaziantep Kalesi - panoramio (1)
Gaziantep castleGaziantep castle
Gaziantep castle closeGaziantep castle close
Gaziantep castle (cropped)2Gaziantep castle (cropped)2
Gaziantep kalesi - panoramioGaziantep kalesi - panoramio
The bridge of Aintab CastleThe bridge of Aintab Castle
linkGoogle Knowledge entry@Wikidata
linkTripadvisor page@Wikidata
incident2023 Turkey–Syria earthquakes2023Wikidata
museumGaziantep War Museummuseum, military museumWikidata
imageAntep kalesine bakış - panoramio2010Wikimedia
imageA view of the restoration at Gaziantep Castle after the devastating earthquakes in 2023Wikimedia
imageA view of the restoration at Gaziantep Castle after the devastating earthquakes in 2023 - 3Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle from Southwest, Gaziantep, TürkiyeWikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 82802004Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 82812004Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 83352004Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 83362004Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 83372004Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 83382004Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 83392004Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle view from outside in 2004 83872004Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle view from outside in 2011 16462011Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Castle view from outside in 2011 16472011Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Kale2008Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Kalesi TÜRKİYE - panoramio2012Wikimedia
imageGaziantep Kalesi - panoramio (1)2012Wikimedia
imageGaziantep castle2008Wikimedia
imageGaziantep castle close2008Wikimedia
imageGaziantep castle (cropped)22008Wikimedia
imageGaziantep kalesi - panoramio2012Wikimedia
imageThe bridge of Aintab CastleWikimedia