Gölcük Naval Shipyard

From Warlike


naval shipyard of the Turkish Navy. 

shipyardTurkeyTurkish Naval Forces

Location: 40.723, 29.803, KML, Maps

Fishing time of ulaşlı *©Abdullah Kiyga - panoramioFishing time of ulaşlı *©Abdullah Kiyga - panoramio
Flickr - Official U.S. Navy Imagery - The CNO salutes as he receives full honors at Golcuk Naval Base during his official visit with a Turkish Naval Fleet Commander.Flickr - Official U.S. Navy Imagery - The CNO salutes as he receives full honors at Golcuk Naval Base during his official visit with a Turkish Naval Fleet Commander.
Flickr - Official U.S. Navy Imagery - The CNO talks to a Turkish Naval Fleet Commander about the ship`s capabilities after a pierside tour at Golcuk Naval Base.Flickr - Official U.S. Navy Imagery - The CNO talks to a Turkish Naval Fleet Commander about the ship's capabilities after a pierside tour at Golcuk Naval Base.
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