
From Warlike


1811 Téméraire-class third-rate ship of the line. 

Battle of Navarino PW4849Battle of Navarino PW4849
Navarin françaisNavarin français
The Battle of Navarino 20 October 1827The Battle of Navarino 20 October 1827
The Scipion on entering the harbour ran aboard the Brelots by George Philip ReinagleThe Scipion on entering the harbour ran aboard the Brelots by George Philip Reinagle
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
incident1809keel layingWikidata
incident1811ship launchingWikidata
image1838Battle of Navarino PW4849Wikimedia
imageNavarin françaisWikimedia
imageThe Battle of Navarino 20 October 1827Wikimedia
imageThe Scipion on entering the harbour ran aboard the Brelots by George Philip ReinagleWikimedia
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