Battle of Lorraine

From Warlike


1914 battle of World War I. 

1914 — 1914 battleBattle of the FrontiersFrance
Western Front 2 August 1914.jpg

Location: 48.8, 6.716666666, KML, Maps

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5. Armee August 19145. Armee August 1914
Esercito tedesco in marciaEsercito tedesco in marcia
French German border, 1914French German border, 1914
French capture of Mulhouse, 8 August 1914French capture of Mulhouse, 8 August 1914
French capture of the Vosges Heights, 4–16 August 1914French capture of the Vosges Heights, 4–16 August 1914
From the battle between Metz and the Vosges, 20th and 21st August 1914 - French infantry surprised by the Germans while cooking at SaarburgFrom the battle between Metz and the Vosges, 20th and 21st August 1914 - French infantry surprised by the Germans while cooking at Saarburg
German and French mobilisation, 31 July – 3 August 1914German and French mobilisation, 31 July – 3 August 1914
German counter-attack, Mulhouse, 9 August 1914German counter-attack, Mulhouse, 9 August 1914
Initial moves, 7-20 August 1914Initial moves, 7-20 August 1914
Lorraine picLorraine pic
Morhange ChaperonMorhange Chaperon
Recouly-1919-Foch le vainqueur-1-bataille de Morhange SarrebourgRecouly-1919-Foch le vainqueur-1-bataille de Morhange Sarrebourg
Richard Wagner Schlacht bei Saarburg 1914 01Richard Wagner Schlacht bei Saarburg 1914 01
Richard Wagner Schlacht bei Saarburg 1914 02Richard Wagner Schlacht bei Saarburg 1914 02
Second French capture of Mulhouse, 18 August 1914Second French capture of Mulhouse, 18 August 1914
The Battle of the Frontiers - Mulhouse and LorraineThe Battle of the Frontiers - Mulhouse and Lorraine
Vosges front after the end of mobile operations, 1915-1918Vosges front after the end of mobile operations, 1915-1918
Vosges, 1914Vosges, 1914
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