Fort St. Anthony of Simbor

From Warlike


building in India


1722 fortIndia

Forte de Santo António de Simbor.gif

Location: 20.7631565, 71.1516023, ///eminent.interiors.harvests, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Forte de Santo António de Simbor and garrisonForte de Santo António de Simbor and garrison
Portuguese officials standing atop Fort St. Anthony of Simbor, Portuguese India, c. 1950Portuguese officials standing atop Fort St. Anthony of Simbor, Portuguese India, c. 1950
Visiting Portuguese officials at the chapel of Fort St. Anthony of Simbor, Portuguese India, c. 1950Visiting Portuguese officials at the chapel of Fort St. Anthony of Simbor, Portuguese India, c. 1950