Fort Egbert
From Warlike
Eagle, Alaska, a US Army base
Wikimedia, Wikidata
fort, United States of America,
Location: 64.7897, -141.214, ///glossed.below.noon, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML
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• Eagle - Fort Egbert - a remnant of the past (IA eaglefortegbertr05unse) (Wikimedia)
• Fort Egbert and Eagle, Alaska, a preservation plan (IA fortegberteaglea00nati) (Wikimedia)
• Fort Egbert and the Eagle historic district - results of archeological and historic research, summer 1977 (IA fortegberteagleh0485unit) (Wikimedia)
• Fort Egbert, Alaska - a five year cultural resource management plan proposed 1980 through 1984 (IA fortegbertalaska9124pete) (Wikimedia)
• Fort Egbert and Eagle, Alaska, a preservation plan (IA fortegberteaglea00nati) (Wikimedia)
• Fort Egbert and the Eagle historic district - results of archeological and historic research, summer 1977 (IA fortegberteagleh0485unit) (Wikimedia)
• Fort Egbert, Alaska - a five year cultural resource management plan proposed 1980 through 1984 (IA fortegbertalaska9124pete) (Wikimedia)