War of Jenkins' Ear

From Warlike


1739–1748 conflict between Britain and Spain. 

1739 — 1748 Action of 18 March 1748Action of 8 April 1740Attacks on Fuerteventura in 1740Battle of Bloody MarshBattle of Cartagena de IndiasBattle of HavanaBattle of La GuairaBattle of Porto BelloBattle of Puerto CabelloBattle of Santiago de CubaBattle of Santiago de CubaGeorgia ExperimentInvasion of GeorgiaSiege of Fort MoseVoyage of the GloriosowarWar of the Austrian Succession
A new and correct map of the trading part of the West Indies.png

Location: 4.65, -74.05, KML, Maps

A Skit on Britain (BM 1868,0808.3631)A Skit on Britain (BM 1868,0808.3631)
Broadside of maps and views of Admiral Edward Vernon`s capture of Portobello, Panama, during the War of Jenkins` Ear 35134 (cropped)Broadside of maps and views of Admiral Edward Vernon's capture of Portobello, Panama, during the War of Jenkins' Ear 35134 (cropped)
Caricature Prison 1738Caricature Prison 1738
Caricature Slavery 1738Caricature Slavery 1738
Felipe V de EspañaFelipe V de España
Felipe V de España (cropped)Felipe V de España (cropped)
HMS Rupert (1740) drawn at SheernessHMS Rupert (1740) drawn at Sheerness
Peter Monamy (1681-1749) (attributed to) - The Capture of Porto Bello by Admiral Edward Vernon with Only Six Men o` War, 22 November 1739 - 1271533 - National TrustPeter Monamy (1681-1749) (attributed to) - The Capture of Porto Bello by Admiral Edward Vernon with Only Six Men o' War, 22 November 1739 - 1271533 - National Trust
Peter Monamy (1681-1749) - The Capture of the Spanish Galleon `St Joseph`, 23 September 1739 - BHC0353 - Royal Museums GreenwichPeter Monamy (1681-1749) - The Capture of the Spanish Galleon 'St Joseph', 23 September 1739 - BHC0353 - Royal Museums Greenwich
Peter Monamy - The taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22 Nov 1739 PbellfullPeter Monamy - The taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22 Nov 1739 Pbellfull
Peter Monamy - The taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22 Nov 1739 PbmitchaPeter Monamy - The taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22 Nov 1739 Pbmitcha
Peter Monamy - The taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22 Nov 1739 Portobig245Peter Monamy - The taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22 Nov 1739 Portobig245
Philip V of SpainPhilip V of Spain
Samuel Scott (c.1702-1772) - Beginning of Knowles` Action off Havana, 1 October 1748 - BHC0373 - Royal Museums GreenwichSamuel Scott (c.1702-1772) - Beginning of Knowles' Action off Havana, 1 October 1748 - BHC0373 - Royal Museums Greenwich
Samuel Scott (c.1702-1772) - The Capture of Fort Chagres, March 1740 - BHC0356 - Royal Museums GreenwichSamuel Scott (c.1702-1772) - The Capture of Fort Chagres, March 1740 - BHC0356 - Royal Museums Greenwich
Samuel Scott - The Engagement between the Blast Sloop and two Spanish Privateers 1745 - (MeisterDrucke-632948)Samuel Scott - The Engagement between the Blast Sloop and two Spanish Privateers 1745 - (MeisterDrucke-632948)
The Taking of the Acapulco Treasure Ship by George AnsonThe Taking of the Acapulco Treasure Ship by George Anson
The capture of Porto Bello, 21st November 1739, studio of Peter MonamyThe capture of Porto Bello, 21st November 1739, studio of Peter Monamy
The seat of war in the West Indies 1740The seat of war in the West Indies 1740
The taking of the Princessa a Spanish Man of War, April 8, 1740 by His Majesties Ships the Lenox, Kent, and Oxford Ba-obj-4525The taking of the Princessa a Spanish Man of War, April 8, 1740 by His Majesties Ships the Lenox, Kent, and Oxford Ba-obj-4525
Vernon`s attack on the Castillo del Hierro (Vernon's attack on the Castillo del Hierro ("Iron Castle"), Portobello 21 November 1739
War of Jenkins’ Ear ruWar of Jenkins’ Ear ru
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1740Action of 8 April 1740naval battleWikidata
conflict1748Action of 18 March 1748conflictWikidata
conflict1740Attacks on Fuerteventura in 1740military campaignWikidata
conflict1742Battle of Bloody MarshbattleWikidata
conflict1741Battle of Cartagena de Indiasnaval battle, siegeWikidata
conflict1748Battle of Havananaval battleWikidata
conflict1743Battle of La GuairabattleWikidata
conflict1739Battle of Porto BellobattleWikidata
conflict1743Battle of Puerto CabellobattleWikidata
conflict1748Battle of Santiago de Cubanaval battleWikidata
conflict1741Battle of Santiago de CubabattleWikidata
conflict1735Georgia ExperimentpolicyWikidata
conflict1742Invasion of GeorgiaconflictWikidata
conflict1740Siege of Fort MosesiegeWikidata
conflict1747Voyage of the Gloriosonaval battleWikidata
imageA Skit on Britain (BM 1868,0808.3631)Wikimedia
imageBroadside of maps and views of Admiral Edward Vernon's capture of Portobello, Panama, during the War of Jenkins' Ear 35134 (cropped)Wikimedia
imageCaricature Prison 1738Wikimedia
imageCaricature Slavery 1738Wikimedia
imageFelipe V de EspañaWikimedia
imageFelipe V de España (cropped)Wikimedia
imageHMS Rupert (1740) drawn at SheernessWikimedia
imagePeter Monamy (1681-1749) (attributed to) - The Capture of Porto Bello by Admiral Edward Vernon with Only Six Men o' War, 22 November 1739 - 1271533 - National TrustWikimedia
imagePeter Monamy (1681-1749) - The Capture of the Spanish Galleon 'St Joseph', 23 September 1739 - BHC0353 - Royal Museums GreenwichWikimedia
imagePeter Monamy - The taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22 Nov 1739 PbellfullWikimedia
imagePeter Monamy - The taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22 Nov 1739 PbmitchaWikimedia
imagePeter Monamy - The taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22 Nov 1739 Portobig245Wikimedia
imagePhilip V of SpainWikimedia
imageSamuel Scott (c.1702-1772) - Beginning of Knowles' Action off Havana, 1 October 1748 - BHC0373 - Royal Museums GreenwichWikimedia
imageSamuel Scott (c.1702-1772) - The Capture of Fort Chagres, March 1740 - BHC0356 - Royal Museums GreenwichWikimedia
imageSamuel Scott - The Engagement between the Blast Sloop and two Spanish Privateers 1745 - (MeisterDrucke-632948)Wikimedia
imageThe Taking of the Acapulco Treasure Ship by George AnsonWikimedia
imageThe capture of Porto Bello, 21st November 1739, studio of Peter MonamyWikimedia
image1740The seat of war in the West Indies 1740Wikimedia
imageThe taking of the Princessa a Spanish Man of War, April 8, 1740 by His Majesties Ships the Lenox, Kent, and Oxford Ba-obj-4525Wikimedia
imageVernon's attack on the Castillo del Hierro ("Iron Castle"), Portobello 21 November 1739Wikimedia
imageWar of Jenkins’ Ear ruWikimedia
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