Al-Anfal campaign

From Warlike


1986 genocidal campaign against the Kurdish people. 
Anfal genocide, Kurdish genocide

1986 — 1989 Halabja chemical attackIraqIraqi–Kurdish conflictmilitary campaign
Iraqi mass grave.jpg

Location: 33.0, 43.0, KML, Maps

Anfal Monument in Kurdistan - ChemchemalAnfal Monument in Kurdistan - Chemchemal
Anfal refugees mural at Akre, Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region or Iraq 02Anfal refugees mural at Akre, Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region or Iraq 02
Aska Hame-Ameen - Anfal Genocide Survivor - Rizgary - Kurdistan - IraqAska Hame-Ameen - Anfal Genocide Survivor - Rizgary - Kurdistan - Iraq
Exhumed Belongings of Victims of Anfal Genocide - 3rd International Conference on Mass Graves in Iraq - Erbil - Iraq - 03Exhumed Belongings of Victims of Anfal Genocide - 3rd International Conference on Mass Graves in Iraq - Erbil - Iraq - 03
Family Graves for Victims of 1988 Chemical Attack - Halabja - Kurdistan - IraqFamily Graves for Victims of 1988 Chemical Attack - Halabja - Kurdistan - Iraq
Mural in Akre of Kurdish refugees during the AnfalMural in Akre of Kurdish refugees during the Anfal
Street View of Rizgary - Former Sumud Relocation Camp for Anfal Genocide Survivors - Kurdistan - IraqStreet View of Rizgary - Former Sumud Relocation Camp for Anfal Genocide Survivors - Kurdistan - Iraq
Victims of Saddam Hussein (6556996289)Victims of Saddam Hussein (6556996289)
السليمانية....امنيه سوراكيهالسليمانية....امنيه سوراكيه
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