Donghae-class corvette

From Warlike


1983 class of South Korean Navy corvettes. 

ARC Nariño (C-55)ARC Nariño (C-55)
Colombian navy ARC Narino arrives for Pearl Harbor port visit 140904-N-QG393-015Colombian navy ARC Narino arrives for Pearl Harbor port visit 140904-N-QG393-015
ROKS Su Won (752) corvette belonging to the class DonghaeROKS Su Won (752) corvette belonging to the class Donghae
US Navy 040326-N-6482H-003 Amphibious Assault Vehicles (AAV) assigned to Battalion Landing Team (BLT) 2-3 and the Republic of Korea group together in front of Republic of Korea Tank Landing Ship Seongin Bong (LST 685)US Navy 040326-N-6482H-003 Amphibious Assault Vehicles (AAV) assigned to Battalion Landing Team (BLT) 2-3 and the Republic of Korea group together in front of Republic of Korea Tank Landing Ship Seongin Bong (LST 685)
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