Suffren-class cruiser

From Warlike


ship class. 

Brest Arsenal – Dupleix – French Navy – 
Colbert 1928
Suffren 1927
Torpedoing of the French battleship Torpedoing of the French battleship "Suffren" by a German submarine 50 nautical miles northwest of Lisbon
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vessel1928ColbertFrench Navy, cruiserWikidata
vesselDupleixheavy cruiser, French NavyWikidata
vesselFochFrench Navy, cruiserWikidata
vessel1927SuffrenFrench Navy, cruiserWikidata
image"Suffren"%20by%20a%20German%20submarine%2050%20nautical%20miles%20northwest%20of%20Lisbon.png Torpedoing of the French battleship "Suffren" by a German submarine 50 nautical miles northwest of LisbonWikimedia
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