Castle of Monsanto

From Warlike


building in Idanha-a-Nova, Castelo Branco District, Portugal. 

castlecultural heritagePortugal
Castelo de Monsanto.jpg

Location: 40.035, -7.113, KML, Maps

    Portugal – 
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    Gabriel playing with a wooden toy bow and arrow set at Monsanto Castle, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalGabriel playing with a wooden toy bow and arrow set at Monsanto Castle, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal
    Granite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalGranite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal
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    Granite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalGranite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal
    Granite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalGranite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal
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    Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalMonsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal
    Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalMonsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal
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    Monsanto, gaztelua - 511807263Monsanto, gaztelua - 511807263
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    Moss covered boulder near the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalMoss covered boulder near the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal
    Outer wall of the Monsanto Castle, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)Outer wall of the Monsanto Castle, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)
    Outer wall of the Monsanto Castle, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)Outer wall of the Monsanto Castle, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)
    Ruins of the São João Chapel, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)Ruins of the São João Chapel, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)
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    Stairway Monsanto Castle April 2015-1Stairway Monsanto Castle April 2015-1
    View from the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalView from the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal
    View from the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)View from the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)
    View from the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)View from the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)
    View from the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)View from the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)
    Wall of the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWall of the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal
    linkPatrimónio Cultural, I.P. entry@Wikidata
    linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
    linkTripadvisor page@Wikidata
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    imageDetail of the Monsanto Castle keep, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
    imageGabriel playing with a wooden toy bow and arrow set at Monsanto Castle, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
    imageGranite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
    imageGranite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
    image2023Granite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
    imageGranite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
    imageGranite boulder formations near the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)Wikimedia
    image2015Monsanto April 2015-2aWikimedia
    imageMonsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
    imageMonsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
    imageMonsanto, gaztelua - 511806609Wikimedia
    imageMonsanto, gaztelua - 511807263Wikimedia
    imageMonsanto, gaztelu barruko elizaWikimedia
    imageMoss covered boulder near the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
    imageOuter wall of the Monsanto Castle, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)Wikimedia
    imageOuter wall of the Monsanto Castle, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)Wikimedia
    imageRuins of the São João Chapel, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)Wikimedia
    image2015Stairs April 2015-2Wikimedia
    image2015Stairway Monsanto Castle April 2015-1Wikimedia
    imageView from the Monsanto Castle at sunrise, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
    imageView from the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)Wikimedia
    imageView from the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)Wikimedia
    imageView from the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, Portugal (2)Wikimedia
    imageWall of the Monsanto Castle at sunset, Aldeia de Monsanto, PortugalWikimedia
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