Battle of Le Transloy

From Warlike


1916 battle during the First World War. 

1916 — 1916 battleBattle of the SommeFrance
Map of the Battle of the Somme, 1916.svg

Location: 50.057388888, 2.887722222, KML, Other maps

2nd Division positions Courcelette sector 1916-19172nd Division positions Courcelette sector 1916-1917
Attacks of the Sixth Army, October 1916Attacks of the Sixth Army, October 1916
British attacks, Somme, October 1916British attacks, Somme, October 1916
Butte de WarlencourtButte de Warlencourt
Butte de Warlencourt 1916Butte de Warlencourt 1916
Carting water by trolley rail Battle of the Transloy Ridges 1916 IWM Q 4361Carting water by trolley rail Battle of the Transloy Ridges 1916 IWM Q 4361
Diagram 56th Division Battle of Le Transloy, October 1916Diagram 56th Division Battle of Le Transloy, October 1916
French attacks after the capture of Combles, September-October 1916French attacks after the capture of Combles, September-October 1916
French attacks east of Combles, September-October 1916French attacks east of Combles, September-October 1916
Ground captured on the north bank of the Somme, 1916Ground captured on the north bank of the Somme, 1916
Map of the Somme front in 1916Map of the Somme front in 1916
Map of the east of the Somme front 1916Map of the east of the Somme front 1916
Men of the Black Watch Battle of Le Transloy Ridges 1916 IWM Q 4360Men of the Black Watch Battle of Le Transloy Ridges 1916 IWM Q 4360
Somme area from Longueval to Combles, 1916Somme area from Longueval to Combles, 1916
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