Battle of Fredrikshamn

From Warlike


1790 battle. 

1790 battleFinlandRusso-Swedish War (1788–1790)
Battle of Fredrikshamn May 15 1790.jpg

Location: 60.52, 27.18, KML, Maps

Andra slaget vid FredrikshamnAndra slaget vid Fredrikshamn
Battle of Fredrikshamn May 15 1790Battle of Fredrikshamn May 15 1790
Fredrikshamn 20 maj 1790Fredrikshamn 20 maj 1790
Hedersvärja Arvid VirginHedersvärja Arvid Virgin
Johan Tietrich Schoultz - The Battle of Fredrikshamn, May 15, 1790 - NM 2746 - NationalmuseumJohan Tietrich Schoultz - The Battle of Fredrikshamn, May 15, 1790 - NM 2746 - Nationalmuseum
Medalj Tapperhet t sjöss, åt- och frånsida - Livrustkammaren - 45022.tif (Cropped version)Medalj Tapperhet t sjöss, åt- och frånsida - Livrustkammaren - 45022.tif (Cropped version)
Northern Theatre of War 8 (Fredrikshamn)Northern Theatre of War 8 (Fredrikshamn)
Northern Theatre of War 22 (Fredrikshamn)Northern Theatre of War 22 (Fredrikshamn)
Northern Theatre of War 26 (Fredrikshamn)Northern Theatre of War 26 (Fredrikshamn)
The battles of Fredrikshamn and Svenskund, medals for valor, 1790, by C. G. Fehrman - National Museum of Finland - DSC04107The battles of Fredrikshamn and Svenskund, medals for valor, 1790, by C. G. Fehrman - National Museum of Finland - DSC04107
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