Battle of Droop Mountain

From Warlike


1863 battle in the American Civil War. 

1863 United States

Location: 38.1128, -80.274, KML, Other maps

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Averell tried to trap Confederate troops at Marling Bottom before the skirmish at Mill Point.Averell tried to trap Confederate troops at Marling Bottom before the skirmish at Mill Point.
Brevet Major General Thomas M. HarrisBrevet Major General Thomas M. Harris
Brigadier General John Echols, Confederate States of AmericaBrigadier General John Echols, Confederate States of America
Colonel James M. Schoonmaker in 1862Colonel James M. Schoonmaker in 1862
Colonel James M. Schoonmaker, 14th Pennsylvania CavalryColonel James M. Schoonmaker, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Echols fled south while Averell pursued and Duffié tried to intercept at Lewisburg.Echols fled south while Averell pursued and Duffié tried to intercept at Lewisburg.
Echols fled south while two Union forces pursuedEchols fled south while two Union forces pursued
Instead of pursuing Echols, Averell began moving northInstead of pursuing Echols, Averell began moving north
Lieutenant Colonel Francis W. Thompson commanded the 3rd West Virginia Mounted InfantryLieutenant Colonel Francis W. Thompson commanded the 3rd West Virginia Mounted Infantry
Major Thomas Gibson, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry and Gibson`s Independent Cavalry BattalionMajor Thomas Gibson, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry and Gibson's Independent Cavalry Battalion
Map shows the troop movements prior to the Battle of Droop Mountain in West VirginiaMap shows the troop movements prior to the Battle of Droop Mountain in West Virginia
Planned Union Army Raid on Lewisburg and the Virginia & Tennessee RailroadPlanned Union Army Raid on Lewisburg and the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad
Position of troops in Averell`s victory at the Battle of Droop MountainPosition of troops in Averell's victory at the Battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop Mountain
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imageAverell tried to trap Confederate troops at Marling Bottom before the skirmish at Mill Point.Wikimedia
imageBrevet Major General Thomas M. HarrisWikimedia
imageBrigadier General John Echols, Confederate States of AmericaWikimedia
imageColonel James M. Schoonmaker in 1862Wikimedia
imageColonel James M. Schoonmaker, 14th Pennsylvania CavalryWikimedia
imageEchols fled south while Averell pursued and Duffié tried to intercept at Lewisburg.Wikimedia
imageEchols fled south while two Union forces pursuedWikimedia
imageInstead of pursuing Echols, Averell began moving northWikimedia
imageLieutenant Colonel Francis W. Thompson commanded the 3rd West Virginia Mounted InfantryWikimedia
imageMajor Thomas Gibson, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry and Gibson's Independent Cavalry BattalionWikimedia
imageMap shows the troop movements prior to the Battle of Droop Mountain in West VirginiaWikimedia
imagePlanned Union Army Raid on Lewisburg and the Virginia & Tennessee RailroadWikimedia
imagePosition of troops in Averell's victory at the Battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
imageReport of Brigadier General Echols, of the battle of Droop MountainWikimedia
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