Battle of Xuan Loc

From Warlike


1975 last major battle of the Vietnam War. 
Battle of Xuân Lộc

1975 — 1975 battleVietnamVietnam War
18thARVNsoldiersatxuanloc by Dirck Halstead.jpg

Location: 10.923333333, 107.239166666, KML, Other maps

18thARVNsoldiersatxuanloc by Dirck Halstead18thARVNsoldiersatxuanloc by Dirck Halstead
Caduta di Xuan Loc-1975Caduta di Xuan Loc-1975
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image197518thARVNsoldiersatxuanloc by Dirck HalsteadWikimedia
image2024Caduta di Xuan Loc-1975Wikimedia
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