Battle of Canton

From Warlike


May 1841 battle during the First Opium War. 

1841 — 1841 battleChinaFirst Opium WarSanyuanli Incident
See also Battle of Canton (1841)Battle of Canton (1857)
British ships in Canton.jpg

Location: 23.1104, 113.244, KML, Other maps

Assault on CantonAssault on Canton
British ships in CantonBritish ships in Canton
Canton Operations, May 1841Canton Operations, May 1841
Canton River and adjacent islandsCanton River and adjacent islands
Canton River, 26 May 1841Canton River, 26 May 1841
Canton from the HeightsCanton from the Heights
Fire rafts coming down Canton RiverFire rafts coming down Canton River
Forts of Canton in 1844Forts of Canton in 1844
POSITIONS OF H.M. SHIPS Comprising the advanced Squadron May 26th. 1841POSITIONS OF H.M. SHIPS Comprising the advanced Squadron May 26th. 1841
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1841Sanyuanli IncidentcombatWikidata
war1915National Protection Warcivil warWikidata
imageAssault on CantonWikimedia
imageBritish ships in CantonWikimedia
imageCanton Operations, May 1841Wikimedia
image1844Canton River and adjacent islandsWikimedia
image1844Canton River, 26 May 1841Wikimedia
imageCanton from the HeightsWikimedia
image1841Fire rafts coming down Canton RiverWikimedia
imageForts of Canton in 1844Wikimedia
imagePOSITIONS OF H.M. SHIPS Comprising the advanced Squadron May 26th. 1841Wikimedia
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