Siege of Belfort

From Warlike


103-day military assault and blockade of the city of Belfort, France. 

1870 — 1871 battleFranceFranco-Prussian Warsiege

Location: 47.6379, 6.86281, KML, Maps

296 of `The Franco-Prussian War; its causes, incidents, and cosequences. Edited by H. M. H. ... With the topography and history of the Rhine Valley, by W. H. D. Adams, etc` (11092367126)296 of 'The Franco-Prussian War; its causes, incidents, and cosequences. Edited by H. M. H. ... With the topography and history of the Rhine Valley, by W. H. D. Adams, etc' (11092367126)
1911 Britannica - Siege of Belfort1911 Britannica - Siege of Belfort
Braun, Adolphe (1811-1877) - Le théatre de guerre, 1870-1871 - Vue générale de BelfortBraun, Adolphe (1811-1877) - Le théatre de guerre, 1870-1871 - Vue générale de Belfort
Braun, Adolphe (1811-1877) - Le théâtre de guerre, 1870-1871 - La Miotte at BelfortBraun, Adolphe (1811-1877) - Le théâtre de guerre, 1870-1871 - La Miotte at Belfort
British Library digitised image from page 323 of British Library digitised image from page 323 of "Cassell's History of the War between France and Germany. 1870-1871"
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