HMS Cochrane

From Warlike


1905 Warrior-class armored cruiser

A. de Simone - The Royal Yacht Victoria & Albert (III) under escort in the Mediterranean by H.M.S. Cochrane CSK 2003A. de Simone - The Royal Yacht Victoria & Albert (III) under escort in the Mediterranean by H.M.S. Cochrane CSK 2003
HMS CochraneHMS Cochrane
linkThe Dreadnought Project entry@ Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@ Wikidata
vessel1905HMS Achillesarmored cruiser, Royal Navy Wikidata
vesselHMS Natalshipwreck, armored cruiser, Royal Navy, United Kingdom Wikidata
vessel1905HMS Warriorshipwreck, armored cruiser, Royal Navy, heritage site, Norway Wikidata
imageA. de Simone - The Royal Yacht Victoria & Albert (III) under escort in the Mediterranean by H.M.S. Cochrane CSK 2003 Wikimedia
image1914HMS Cochrane Wikimedia