1917 battles on the eastern front of WWI.
Type | Date | Description | Keywords | Notes | Source |
link | | Freebase entry@ | | | Wikidata |
image | 2012 | "Uz%20cīņu%20vietām",%20Valgundes%20pagasts,%20Jelgavas%20novads,%20Latvia%20-%20panoramio.jpg Ceļa rādītājs "Uz cīņu vietām", Valgundes pagasts, Jelgavas novads, Latvia - panoramio | | | Wikimedia |
image | | From the winter battles on the Aa, January 1917 | | | Wikimedia |
image | 1917 | Latvian Riflemen during the Christmas Battles | | | Wikimedia |
image | 2007 | Lozmetejkalns 90 years after WWI Christmas battles - ainars brūvelis - Panoramio | | | Wikimedia |
image | 2008 | Ložmetējkalna apkārtne, piemineklis strēlniekiem 2001-06-23 - panoramio | | | Wikimedia |
image | 1917 | Soldiers of the 4th Vidzeme near the German dugout on Machine Gun Hill. | | | Wikimedia |
image | 1917 | Soldiers of the 5th Zemgale Regiment, commanded by Vatsetis. | | | Wikimedia |
image | 1917 | Strelnieki Tirela purva | | | Wikimedia |
image | 1917 | The World War I Christmas Battles took place in a swampy region, Tīreļpurvs (Tīrelis swamp) near Jelgava, Latvia. | | | Wikimedia |
image | 1917 | Vacu valnis 1917 | | | Wikimedia |
image | 2023 | World War I battles remembrance in Latvia | | | Wikimedia |
image | 1938 | Zayonchkovsky map51 | | | Wikimedia |
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