Andrei Pervozvanny-class battleship

From Warlike


1906 class of Russian pre-dreadnought battleships. 
Andrei Pervozvanny

Andrey Pervozvanny hullAndrey Pervozvanny hull
Evolution of Andrey Pervozvanny 1903-1904-1908Evolution of Andrey Pervozvanny 1903-1904-1908
Pervozvanny class diagrams Brasseys 1912Pervozvanny class diagrams Brasseys 1912
linkDreadnought Project entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselAndrei PervozvannyImperial Russian Navy, pre-dreadnought battleshipWikidata
vesselImperator Pavel IImperial Russian Navy, pre-dreadnought battleshipWikidata
imageAndrey Pervozvanny hullWikimedia
imageEvolution of Andrey Pervozvanny 1903-1904-1908Wikimedia
imagePervozvanny class diagrams Brasseys 1912Wikimedia
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