West Star

From Warlike


building in Province of Verona, Italy


1960 Allied Land Forces Southern EuropebunkerItalyunderground infrastructure system

West Star.jpg
Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 02.jpg

Location: 45.55694444, 10.76972222, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 01Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 01
Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 02Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 02
Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 03Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 03
Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 04Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 04
Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 05Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 05
Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 06Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 06
Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 07Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 07
Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 08Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 08
Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 09Interior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 09
West StarWest Star
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imageInterior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 012023Wikimedia
imageInterior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 022023Wikimedia
imageInterior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 032023Wikimedia
imageInterior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 042023Wikimedia
imageInterior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 052023Wikimedia
imageInterior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 062023Wikimedia
imageInterior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 072023Wikimedia
imageInterior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 082023Wikimedia
imageInterior orf West Statr bunker (Affi, Verona) 092023Wikimedia
imageWest Star2010Wikimedia