
From Warlike


short staff or stick, usually made of wood, wielded as a weapon
see also club


stickweaponartefactblunt instrumentarchaeological artefactmacepriestnail batIndan (weapon)SaliUaQauataIroquois war clubQ3374753Q4338017LeiomanoTrench raiding clubUlaKanak war clubsRoromaraugiU'uSupi (weapon)weapon functional class

Ball-headed Club MET DT258525.jpg

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Ball-headed Club, Western Great Lakes (MET, 2011.154.5)Ball-headed Club, Western Great Lakes (MET, 2011.154.5)
Brooch (pin) (AM 1996.65.2-1)Brooch (pin) (AM 1996.65.2-1)
Brooch (pin) (AM 1996.65.2-2)Brooch (pin) (AM 1996.65.2-2)
Casse-tête - détails 11-o.lau-F129.LA861-02Casse-tête - détails 11-o.lau-F129.LA861-02
Casse-tête - vue d`ensemble 11-o.lau-F129.LA861-01Casse-tête - vue d'ensemble 11-o.lau-F129.LA861-01
Crudely shaped trench club from World War One - YORCM1960 145 8Crudely shaped trench club from World War One - YORCM1960 145 8
Dama s herculemDama s herculem
Painting; Fight with Cudgels by Francisco GoyaPainting; Fight with Cudgels by Francisco Goya
Portrait of Robert Devereux (4674076)Portrait of Robert Devereux (4674076)
Portrait of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex (4674079)Portrait of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex (4674079)
Samoan women in 1916 detail, from- Grüße von Samoa (NYPL Hades-2359612-4044376) (page 1 crop).jpg.tiffSamoan women in 1916 detail, from- Grüße von Samoa (NYPL Hades-2359612-4044376) (page 1 crop).jpg.tiff
Tomahawk (PSF)Tomahawk (PSF)
Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber 2160-303 Platte houten knotsTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber 2160-303 Platte houten knots
Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber 4440-209 Platte houten knotsTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber 4440-209 Platte houten knots
Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2892 Platte houten knotsTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2892 Platte houten knots
Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2894 Platte houten knots met ijzeren slagvlaTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2894 Platte houten knots met ijzeren slagvla
Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2896 Platte houten knotsTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2896 Platte houten knots
Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2897 Platte houten knotsTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2897 Platte houten knots
Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2898 Indiaanse knotsTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2898 Indiaanse knots
Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2899 Platte houten knotsTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2899 Platte houten knots
Volaterrae as club 591805Volaterrae as club 591805
De-Schlagstock (Wikimedia)
linkNational Historical Museums of Sweden entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 3@Wikidata
weaponAymurmythological weapon, clubWikidata
weaponClubclub, AustraliaWikidata
weaponExpandable batonweapon model, prohibited weapon, clubWikidata
weaponFlamingosecret weapon, club, Easter eggWikidata
weaponGongjang (棍杖)club, corporal punishmentWikidata
weaponModel ClubclubWikidata
weaponNarmer Maceheadarchaeological artifact, clubWikidata
weaponScorpion Maceheadarchaeological artifact, clubWikidata
weaponWarclub with chariot and serpents-AO 24792-3000clubWikidata
weaponWar club1800clubWikidata
weaponWar club1750clubWikidata
weaponWhite Glovesecret weapon, glove, club, Easter eggWikidata
weaponYagrushmythological weapon, clubWikidata
weaponazhuweapon family, clubWikidata
weaponbulibuliweapon family, clubWikidata
weaponculaculaweapon family, clubWikidata
weapongataweapon family, clubWikidata
weaponmaceweapon functional class, clubWikidata
weaponmacuahuitl900weapon family, edged and bladed weapon, clubWikidata
weaponmorning star1100weapon family, mace, clubWikidata
weaponnail batbaseball bat, weapon functional class, clubWikidata
weaponpizzleweapon family, whip, physical tool, club, penisWikidata
weaponpogamoggansweapon family, clubWikidata
weaponpriestweapon functional class, clubWikidata
weaponshillelaghwalking stick, weapon family, clubWikidata
weaponsutuweapon family, clubWikidata
weapontotokiaweapon family, clubWikidata
imageBall-headed Club, Western Great Lakes (MET, 2011.154.5)Wikimedia
imageBrooch (pin) (AM 1996.65.2-1)Wikimedia
imageBrooch (pin) (AM 1996.65.2-2)Wikimedia
imageCasse-tête - détails 11-o.lau-F129.LA861-02Wikimedia
imageCasse-tête - vue d'ensemble 11-o.lau-F129.LA861-01Wikimedia
imageCrudely shaped trench club from World War One - YORCM1960 145 8Wikimedia
imageDama s herculemWikimedia
imagePainting; Fight with Cudgels by Francisco GoyaWikimedia
imagePortrait of Robert Devereux (4674076)Wikimedia
imagePortrait of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex (4674079)Wikimedia
imageSamoan women in 1916 detail, from- Grüße von Samoa (NYPL Hades-2359612-4044376) (page 1 crop).jpg.tiffWikimedia
imageTomahawk (PSF)Wikimedia
imageTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber 2160-303 Platte houten knotsWikimedia
imageTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber 4440-209 Platte houten knotsWikimedia
imageTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2892 Platte houten knotsWikimedia
imageTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2894 Platte houten knots met ijzeren slagvlaWikimedia
imageTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2896 Platte houten knotsWikimedia
imageTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2897 Platte houten knotsWikimedia
imageTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2898 Indiaanse knotsWikimedia
imageTropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber H-2899 Platte houten knotsWikimedia
imageVolaterrae as club 591805Wikimedia