Venetian Navy

From Warlike



naval warfare branch of Venetian armed forces



Atlante Veneto Volume 1 179 (cropped)Atlante Veneto Volume 1 179 (cropped)
Bombing of the city of Sfax (Tunisia) by the Venetian fleet led by Angelo Emo in 1780s.Bombing of the city of Sfax (Tunisia) by the Venetian fleet led by Angelo Emo in 1780s.
Bow and poop of a 18th-century Venetian ship of the lineBow and poop of a 18th-century Venetian ship of the line
Detail of a print depicting the Arsenal of Venice in 1797, right before the French sack. By Gianmaria MaffiolettiDetail of a print depicting the Arsenal of Venice in 1797, right before the French sack. By Gianmaria Maffioletti
Domenico Tintoretto, Venetian Ships Attacking Constantinople, 1598-1605, NGA 139328Domenico Tintoretto, Venetian Ships Attacking Constantinople, 1598-1605, NGA 139328
Il Fac-simile della galea di Francesco MorosiniIl Fac-simile della galea di Francesco Morosini
Osella Mocenigo 1706 MassimoOsella Mocenigo 1706 Massimo
Piazza di Sta Maura - Peeters Jacob - 1686Piazza di Sta Maura - Peeters Jacob - 1686
Portrait of a Venetian Navy officer, 1780, unknown authorPortrait of a Venetian Navy officer, 1780, unknown author
Presa fatta dall`Ecc. Sig. Ant. Capello, 3° Proved. della armata veneta, delle 16 galere barbaresche dopo il secondo combattimento sotto la fortezza et castello della Valo(n)a, li 7 agosto 1638 - btv1b531945942 (2 of 3)Presa fatta dall'Ecc. Sig. Ant. Capello, 3° Proved. della armata veneta, delle 16 galere barbaresche dopo il secondo combattimento sotto la fortezza et castello della Valo(n)a, li 7 agosto 1638 - btv1b531945942 (2 of 3)
The Bey of Tripoli encounters the Venetian admiral Jacopo NaniThe Bey of Tripoli encounters the Venetian admiral Jacopo Nani
The book of Ser Marco Polo - the Venetian concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East (1903) (14767144604)The book of Ser Marco Polo - the Venetian concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East (1903) (14767144604)
The death of Admiral Lodovico FlanginiThe death of Admiral Lodovico Flangini
The frigate La Muiron as a hulk in ToulonThe frigate La Muiron as a hulk in Toulon
The frigate La Muiron as a hulk in ToulonThe frigate La Muiron as a hulk in Toulon
Venetian Admiral Angelo Emo bombarding Sfax, Tunisia, in 1786. 18th century French print at the Naval History Museum in VeniceVenetian Admiral Angelo Emo bombarding Sfax, Tunisia, in 1786. 18th century French print at the Naval History Museum in Venice
Venetian Galley (14th century)Venetian Galley (14th century)
Venetian Ship on CamelsVenetian Ship on Camels
Venetian TriremeVenetian Trireme
Venetian frigate ``Brillante` in 1795, Naval History Museum, VeniceVenetian frigate Brillante' in 1795, Naval History Museum, Venice
Venetian-build frigate La Murion flying French colours, by Antoine RouxVenetian-build frigate La Murion flying French colours, by Antoine Roux
View of the port and arsenal of Gouvia, Corfu (Greece), 1800. In the book View of the port and arsenal of Gouvia, Corfu (Greece), 1800. In the book "Voyage historique, littéraire, et pittoresque dans les isles et possessions ci-devant vénitiennes du Levant", By A.G. Saint-Sauveur
Wooden model of a Venetian ship of the line of the 18th centuryWooden model of a Venetian ship of the line of the 18th century
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imageAtlante Veneto Volume 1 179 (cropped)Wikimedia
imageBombing of the city of Sfax (Tunisia) by the Venetian fleet led by Angelo Emo in 1780s.1784Wikimedia
imageBow and poop of a 18th-century Venetian ship of the line1790Wikimedia
imageDetail of a print depicting the Arsenal of Venice in 1797, right before the French sack. By Gianmaria MaffiolettiWikimedia
imageDomenico Tintoretto, Venetian Ships Attacking Constantinople, 1598-1605, NGA 139328Wikimedia
imageIl Fac-simile della galea di Francesco Morosini1885Wikimedia
imageOsella Mocenigo 1706 MassimoWikimedia
imagePiazza di Sta Maura - Peeters Jacob - 1686Wikimedia
imagePortrait of a Venetian Navy officer, 1780, unknown authorWikimedia
imagePresa fatta dall'Ecc. Sig. Ant. Capello, 3° Proved. della armata veneta, delle 16 galere barbaresche dopo il secondo combattimento sotto la fortezza et castello della Valo(n)a, li 7 agosto 1638 - btv1b531945942 (2 of 3)Wikimedia
imageThe Bey of Tripoli encounters the Venetian admiral Jacopo NaniWikimedia
imageThe book of Ser Marco Polo - the Venetian concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East (1903) (14767144604)1903Wikimedia
imageThe death of Admiral Lodovico Flangini1850Wikimedia
imageThe frigate La Muiron as a hulk in ToulonWikimedia
imageThe frigate La Muiron as a hulk in ToulonWikimedia
imageVenetian Admiral Angelo Emo bombarding Sfax, Tunisia, in 1786. 18th century French print at the Naval History Museum in Venice1786Wikimedia
imageVenetian Galley (14th century)1900Wikimedia
imageVenetian Ship on CamelsWikimedia
imageVenetian Trireme1912Wikimedia
imageVenetian frigate Brillante' in 1795, Naval History Museum, VeniceWikimedia
imageVenetian-build frigate La Murion flying French colours, by Antoine Roux1800Wikimedia
imageView of the port and arsenal of Gouvia, Corfu (Greece), 1800. In the book "Voyage historique, littéraire, et pittoresque dans les isles et possessions ci-devant vénitiennes du Levant", By A.G. Saint-Sauveur1800Wikimedia
imageWooden model of a Venetian ship of the line of the 18th century1790Wikimedia