Battle of Franklin
From Warlike
1864 battle of the American Civil War.
• The battle of Franklin (IA battleoffranklin01shel) (Wikimedia)
• The battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864, the bloodiest engagement of the war between the states (IA battleoffranklin00bank) (Wikimedia)
• The battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864, the bloodiest engagement of the war between the states (IA cu31924032775086) (Wikimedia)
• The battle of Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864. A monograph (IA battleoffranklin00jcoxrich) (Wikimedia)
• The battle of Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864; a statement of the erroneous claims made by General Schofield, and an exposition of the blunder which opened the battle, (IA battleoffranklin02shel) (Wikimedia)
• The battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864, the bloodiest engagement of the war between the states (IA battleoffranklin00bank) (Wikimedia)
• The battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864, the bloodiest engagement of the war between the states (IA cu31924032775086) (Wikimedia)
• The battle of Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864. A monograph (IA battleoffranklin00jcoxrich) (Wikimedia)
• The battle of Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864; a statement of the erroneous claims made by General Schofield, and an exposition of the blunder which opened the battle, (IA battleoffranklin02shel) (Wikimedia)
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