War of the Golden Stool

From Warlike


final war of the Anglo-Ashanti wars. 
Ashanti Uprising, The War of the Golden Stool, Third Ashanti Expedition, Yaa Asantewaa War

1900 — 1900 Anglo-Ashanti warsGhanawar
Typical fight in the forest, Anglo-Ashanti War of 1900 (Battles of the nineteenth century, 1901).jpg

Location: 6.75, -1.5, KML, Maps

Ambush 1900 B003Ambush 1900 B003
Brit Ashanti 1900Brit Ashanti 1900
FortKumasi 1900 Besatzung B004bFortKumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b
FortKumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b retuscheFortKumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b retusche
FortKumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b (retuschiert)FortKumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b (retuschiert)
FortKumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b-2FortKumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b-2
General Sir James Willcocks, K.C.M.G., D.S.O., and staff, at the entrance to the fort at KumasiGeneral Sir James Willcocks, K.C.M.G., D.S.O., and staff, at the entrance to the fort at Kumasi
Map Brit Ashanti 1900Map Brit Ashanti 1900
Taddy cigarette card. VC heros series, 1901Taddy cigarette card. VC heros series, 1901
Theatre of the Ashanti War in 1900 (Battles of the nineteenth century, 1901)Theatre of the Ashanti War in 1900 (Battles of the nineteenth century, 1901)
The Royal Navy 1899 - 1902 Q115138The Royal Navy 1899 - 1902 Q115138
Typical fight in the forest, Anglo-Ashanti War of 1900 (Battles of the nineteenth century, 1901)Typical fight in the forest, Anglo-Ashanti War of 1900 (Battles of the nineteenth century, 1901)
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