Third English Civil War

From Warlike


1650-1652 English invasion of Scotland. 
3rd Civil War, 3rd English Civil War, Anglo-Scottish War, Third Civil War

1649 — 1651 Battle of CartagenaBattle of UptonBattle of Warrington BridgeBattle of Wigan LaneEnglish Civil WarEscape of Charles IIIrelandQ25230Q785Q9676United Kingdomwar
Cromwell at Dunbar Andrew Carrick Gow.jpg

Location: 54.0, -4.0, KML, Maps

1650 Battle of Dunbar dispositions map1650 Battle of Dunbar dispositions map
A battlefield map showing the positions of the Scottish and English armies at the 1650 Battle of Dunbar at 0430A battlefield map showing the positions of the Scottish and English armies at the 1650 Battle of Dunbar at 0430
Battle of Dunbar 1650Battle of Dunbar 1650
Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0530Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0530
Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0630Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0630
Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0700Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0700
Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0730Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0730
Royal Oak, BoscobelRoyal Oak, Boscobel
The Taking of Upton BridgeThe Taking of Upton Bridge
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1650Battle of Cartagenanaval battleWikidata
conflict1651Battle of UptonbattleWikidata
conflict1651Battle of Warrington BridgebattleWikidata
conflict1651Battle of Wigan LanebattleWikidata
conflict1651Escape of Charles IIflightWikidata
image20121650 Battle of Dunbar dispositions mapWikimedia
image2020A battlefield map showing the positions of the Scottish and English armies at the 1650 Battle of Dunbar at 0430Wikimedia
image2011Battle of Dunbar 1650Wikimedia
image2020Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0530Wikimedia
image2020Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0630Wikimedia
image2020Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0700Wikimedia
image2020Battle of Dunbar, battlefield map, 0730Wikimedia
image2007Royal Oak, BoscobelWikimedia
image2012The Taking of Upton BridgeWikimedia
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