LCM-8-class landing craft

From Warlike


landing craft of the United States Navy

1097th Transport Company LCM-8 moves down the My Cong River1097th Transport Company LCM-8 moves down the My Cong River
An Australian Army LCM-8 preparing to unload a US Marine Corps vehicle at Cowley Beach Training Area, QLD, in June 2024An Australian Army LCM-8 preparing to unload a US Marine Corps vehicle at Cowley Beach Training Area, QLD, in June 2024
An LCM-8 of the 1097th Trans Co (Medium Boat) moves a heli-barge down the My Cong RiverAn LCM-8 of the 1097th Trans Co (Medium Boat) moves a heli-barge down the My Cong River
Exxon Valdez CleanupExxon Valdez Cleanup
Justin 4640Justin 4640
Justin 4642Justin 4642
LCMs leave USS Belle Grove (LSD-2) in 1965LCMs leave USS Belle Grove (LSD-2) in 1965
Landing Craft Mechanized LCM-8 diagram 1964Landing Craft Mechanized LCM-8 diagram 1964
Photo # USN 1152180: LCM-8 returns to USS Shreveport during landing exercises in the Caribbean, March 1972Photo # USN 1152180: LCM-8 returns to USS Shreveport during landing exercises in the Caribbean, March 1972
US Navy 050831-N-8002S-232 Sailors stationed aboard the Landing Craft Mechanized One Nine (LCM 19) assigned to Assault Craft Unit Two (ACU 2) man the railsUS Navy 050831-N-8002S-232 Sailors stationed aboard the Landing Craft Mechanized One Nine (LCM 19) assigned to Assault Craft Unit Two (ACU 2) man the rails
US Navy 050910-N-5345W-007 Two combat rubber reconnaissance craft (CRRC) rest on the deck of a Mechanized Landing Craft as it sits in the well deck of the dock landing ship USS Tortuga (LSD 46)US Navy 050910-N-5345W-007 Two combat rubber reconnaissance craft (CRRC) rest on the deck of a Mechanized Landing Craft as it sits in the well deck of the dock landing ship USS Tortuga (LSD 46)
US Navy 050910-N-5345W-008 Sailors prepare to unload a combat rubber reconnaissance craft (CRRC) from a Mechanized Landing Craft as it sits in the well deck of the dock landing ship USS Tortuga (LSD 46)US Navy 050910-N-5345W-008 Sailors prepare to unload a combat rubber reconnaissance craft (CRRC) from a Mechanized Landing Craft as it sits in the well deck of the dock landing ship USS Tortuga (LSD 46)
US Navy 050911-N-5345W-065 U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit Two (MDSU-2), Detachment Two, pull divers from the water after completing dive operations from a Mechanized Landing Craft (LCM)US Navy 050911-N-5345W-065 U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit Two (MDSU-2), Detachment Two, pull divers from the water after completing dive operations from a Mechanized Landing Craft (LCM)
US Navy 050911-N-5345W-087 U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit Two (MDSU-2), Detachment Two, work together to thoroughly clean and sanitize a diver immediately after completing dive operationsUS Navy 050911-N-5345W-087 U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit Two (MDSU-2), Detachment Two, work together to thoroughly clean and sanitize a diver immediately after completing dive operations
US Navy 050911-N-5345W-092 U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit Two (MDSU-2), Detachment Two, work together to thoroughly clean and sanitize a diver immediately after completing dive operationsUS Navy 050911-N-5345W-092 U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit Two (MDSU-2), Detachment Two, work together to thoroughly clean and sanitize a diver immediately after completing dive operations
US Navy 080607-N-8848T-127 Landing Craft Mechanized 501 (LCM-501) and theUS Navy 080607-N-8848T-127 Landing Craft Mechanized 501 (LCM-501) and the
US Navy 080718-N-1424C-953 ivil Engineer Corp students take a tour of the Admin Pier as Assault Craft Unit (ACU) 1 landing craft mechanized departs the pier during Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) 2008US Navy 080718-N-1424C-953 ivil Engineer Corp students take a tour of the Admin Pier as Assault Craft Unit (ACU) 1 landing craft mechanized departs the pier during Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) 2008
US Navy 081005-N-5642P-206 Operations Specialist 2nd Class Dustin Miller signals two landing crafts mechanizedUS Navy 081005-N-5642P-206 Operations Specialist 2nd Class Dustin Miller signals two landing crafts mechanized
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image1097th Transport Company LCM-8 moves down the My Cong River1968Wikimedia
imageAn Australian Army LCM-8 preparing to unload a US Marine Corps vehicle at Cowley Beach Training Area, QLD, in June 2024Wikimedia
imageAn LCM-8 of the 1097th Trans Co (Medium Boat) moves a heli-barge down the My Cong River1968Wikimedia
imageExxon Valdez Cleanup1989Wikimedia
imageJustin 4640Wikimedia
imageJustin 4642Wikimedia
imageLCMs leave USS Belle Grove (LSD-2) in 19651965Wikimedia
imageLanding Craft Mechanized LCM-8 diagram 19641964Wikimedia
imagePhoto # USN 1152180: LCM-8 returns to USS Shreveport during landing exercises in the Caribbean, March 1972Wikimedia
imageUS Navy 050831-N-8002S-232 Sailors stationed aboard the Landing Craft Mechanized One Nine (LCM 19) assigned to Assault Craft Unit Two (ACU 2) man the rails2005Wikimedia
imageUS Navy 050910-N-5345W-007 Two combat rubber reconnaissance craft (CRRC) rest on the deck of a Mechanized Landing Craft as it sits in the well deck of the dock landing ship USS Tortuga (LSD 46)2005Wikimedia
imageUS Navy 050910-N-5345W-008 Sailors prepare to unload a combat rubber reconnaissance craft (CRRC) from a Mechanized Landing Craft as it sits in the well deck of the dock landing ship USS Tortuga (LSD 46)2005Wikimedia
imageUS Navy 050911-N-5345W-065 U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit Two (MDSU-2), Detachment Two, pull divers from the water after completing dive operations from a Mechanized Landing Craft (LCM)2005Wikimedia
imageUS Navy 050911-N-5345W-087 U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit Two (MDSU-2), Detachment Two, work together to thoroughly clean and sanitize a diver immediately after completing dive operations2005Wikimedia
imageUS Navy 050911-N-5345W-092 U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit Two (MDSU-2), Detachment Two, work together to thoroughly clean and sanitize a diver immediately after completing dive operations2005Wikimedia
imageUS Navy 080607-N-8848T-127 Landing Craft Mechanized 501 (LCM-501) and the2008Wikimedia
imageUS Navy 080718-N-1424C-953 ivil Engineer Corp students take a tour of the Admin Pier as Assault Craft Unit (ACU) 1 landing craft mechanized departs the pier during Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) 20082008Wikimedia
imageUS Navy 081005-N-5642P-206 Operations Specialist 2nd Class Dustin Miller signals two landing crafts mechanized2008Wikimedia