Huszár-class destroyer

From Warlike


class of destroyers in the Austro-Hungarian Navy. 
Huszár class

Destructors Uskoke i Scharfschutze al port de Barcelona - 1908Destructors Uskoke i Scharfschutze al port de Barcelona - 1908
During the night of 22 December 1916, SMS During the night of 22 December 1916, SMS "Réka" fired on an Italian 1500 tonns destroyer in the Otranto Strait, which crashed and gave up the fight
linkDreadnought Project entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselSMS Csikósdestroyer, Austro-Hungarian NavyWikidata
vesselSMS Huszárdestroyer, Austro-Hungarian NavyWikidata
vesselSMS Scharfschützedestroyer, Austro-Hungarian NavyWikidata
vesselSMS Streiterdestroyer, Austro-Hungarian NavyWikidata
vesselSMS Ulandestroyer, Austro-Hungarian NavyWikidata
vesselSMS Uskokedestroyer, Austro-Hungarian NavyWikidata
vesselSMS Warasdinerdestroyer, Austro-Hungarian NavyWikidata
imageDestructors Uskoke i Scharfschutze al port de Barcelona - 1908Wikimedia
image"Réka"%20fired%20on%20an%20Italian%201500%20tonns%20destroyer%20in%20the%20Otranto%20Strait,%20which%20crashed%20and%20gave%20up%20the%20fight.png During the night of 22 December 1916, SMS "Réka" fired on an Italian 1500 tonns destroyer in the Otranto Strait, which crashed and gave up the fightWikimedia
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